New publication: Springer Designforschung - Designwissenschaft - Designtheorie
As part of the Springer-VS series “Designforschung - Designwissenschaft - Designtheorie” (edited by Lars C. Grabbe and Tobias Held), Jan Willmann published the article “Design in the Digital Age. Entwurf, Werkzeug, Epistemologie”. The focus is put on an (expanded) theoretical and methodological understanding of design in the digital age.
Willmann J., Design in the Digital Age. Entwurf, Werkzeug, Epistemologie, in: Grabbe, L. C., Held, T. (eds.): Designforschung und Designwissenschaft: Methoden und Theorien gestalterischer Episteme, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2024, pp. 155-172.
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