Crooked Playroom

Photo: Dominique Wollniok

The "Crooked Playroom" was the showroom of the project „IrreguLab 1: Non-Standard Seriality for Toddler Seerating“ for the Summaery 2024. 

In this project, we developed and implemented designs for children‘s furniture and toys, experimenting with logics and workflows that transform „worthless“ crooked wood into high-quality designs. The crooked oak pieces (storm damage wood from the local Webicht forest) was dried in an on-campus solar kiln (presented directly in front of this studio), scanned using 3D scanning, and inventoried in a shared database. We used this database ourselves as test users by matching and pairing our designs with its components. The term „non-standard seriality“ mentioned in the title hence refers less to tailoring towards user needs (as often seen in the discourse on mass customization) and more to designing with non-standardized materials, developing designs and workflows that incorporate this natural variability and even leverage it.