
Bauhaus.Listening.Workshop #2 Sagada/Manila ECHO

At the Listening Biennial in Manila the participants and organziers of Bauhaus.Listening.Workshop #2 showed the process throughout a five hour session as part of a series of Listening Tambayan. Here you can listen to the recording.

Experimentelles Radio @ Hörspielwiese 2023

Das Experimentelles Radio der Bauhaus-Univeristät Weimar präsentiert in diesem Sommer Stücke von Studierenden und Alumni auf der Hörspielwiese der Klassik Stiftung Weimar. Zu hören sind sie am 6. und 13. Juli von 20 bis 21 Uhr am Wohnlabor. Passend zum Themenjahr der Klassik Stiftung Weimar steht auch hier das Thema Wohnen im Vordergrund.

New courses in summer semester

The new courses of the Experimental Radio can be registered for - from directing in radio art to writing for listening to mixing and recording techniques... here you can find an overview.

Open Call "Radio Art Residency"

The new Open Call of the "Radio Art Residency" is out! Apply now until 20th of February! In 2023 and 2024, the radio art residency is part of the umbrella project "Listening to the World - 100 Years of Radio": In this artistic research project, artists, academics, media professionals and listeners from different regions will address various questions about listening in its diversity and its transcultural interconnections.

Listening to the World - Artistic Research Project has started

In 2023, radio in Germany will be 100 years old. To mark this anniversary, the project »Listening to the World - 100 Years of Radio« has now been launched as a cooperation between the Professorship »Experimental Radio« at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Goethe-Institut, Deutschlandfunk Kultur and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (House of World Cultures).