
13.12. Radio Talk with Ido Ramati »Sounding Modern Hebrew«

We are happy to announce our fourth international guest this semester. Ido Ramati will talk about the role of sound media as phonograph, gramophone and radio in the development of today’s Hebrew. What happens when an ancient language meets modern media technologies?

Auditory Place of Remembrance at the 14th Media Art Award

Experimental Radio & Teaching Art alumna Sandra Rücker won second place at the 14th Media Art Prize. Sandra Rücker's work "Da lag Preßwitz schräg drinne" creates an auditory place of memory of the flooded village of Preßwitz.

Poster of the event

15.11. Radio Talk with meLê yamomo: "...and when I speak, my brown skin and the entire ecology vibrate"

The Professorship »Experimental Radio« cordially invites you to the third radio talk with international guests this semester. On Tuesday, 15 November 2022, 7 pm, the artist and scientist meLê yamomo is the guest. He will talk about his biography as a traveller between continents, cultures, artistic practices and academic disciplines. In his work, meLê yamomo explores the themes of sonic migration, queer aesthetics and post-decolonial sound research.

Poster of the event

1.11. Radio Talk with Warrick Swinney »Sealed Trains and the Palisades of Culture«

In the second Radio Talk of this semester the musician and artist Warrick Swinney will present his essay »Sealed trains and the Palisades of Culture«. He discusses his travels and music concerts in the Soviet Union and former East Germany during the late 1980s. His historic – sometimes amusing, sometimes tragic – anecdotes will be accompanied by musical compositions.

25.10. Radio Talk with Yara Mekawei »Radio Submarine«

In the first radio talk of the winter semester 2022/23, Yara Mekawei will present and perform her pan-African project "Radio SUBMARINE". The Egyptian sound artist will open a series of radio talks throughout the winter semester with guests from the international radio art scene. The talks will revolve around questions such as: Who listens? Who speaks? Who archives? Who is archiving?

MORE THAN A WORD / LESS THAN A THING // Sprachlabor Edition

Der Hörabend MORE THAN A WORD / LESS THAN A THING beschäftigt sich mit neuen Formen der Kommunikation - mit nicht-menschlichen Tieren, mit Pflanzen, mit Geräten und sogar mit Steinen. Er hinterfragt und prüft unsere gewohnten Methoden der Interaktion. Ist ein Husten schon eine Äußerung? Wie kann ein Text ohne Worte geschrieben werden? Können Maschinengeräusche in menschliche Äußerungen übersetzt werden? Und wie kann man mit einem jahrhundertealten Stein kommunizieren?

Warrick Swinney New Artist in Residence

We are pleased to announce the next and fourth artist of the Radio Art Residency Weimar: Warrick Swinney with his project “The ghostly disappearance of my country’s future: a sonic hauntology”. In his project Swinney approaches his existence as a recorded being through research in his personal archives.

Gruppe Extra Unruhig - NERVÖS

Die Gruppe Extra Unruhig zeigt im Rahmen des Kunstfest 2022 die Performance NERVÖS auf dem Theaterplatz in Weimar.
Ausschluss und Teilnahme, Demokratie und Dichtmache, Krieg und Annexion. Rückkehrende Autokratie vs. zukunftsweisende Partizipation. Wer hat wem was zu sagen, mit welchem Recht und mit welcher Ausstattung?