Radiophonic Spaces

A sonic journey through the history of Radio Art

The “Radiophonic Spaces” exhibition brings the fleeting world of radio art into the museum space, linking two worlds with more in common than it may seem at first. Visual artists, along with writers, composers, and performing artists, have always explored the diverse possibilities the medium of radio offers. Under the auspices of the Chair of Experimental Radio at Bauhaus-University Weimar, “Radiophonic Spaces” combines an artistic examination of radio art and radiophony with an academic research project. This creative collaboration unfolds in an immersive exhibit presenting some 200 treasures of international radio art. It is a juxtaposition of historic and contemporary artistic positions: from Antonin Artaud, John Cage and László Moholy-Nagy to Michaela Mélian, Milo Rau and Natascha Sadr Haghighian.
Through their movements in the physical space, visitors trigger individual pieces of radio art experienced via headphones. In the exhibition space, designed by artist, architect and musician Cevdet Erek and implemented by MESO Digital Interiors, visitors acoustically immerse themselves in this art form. The sonic pieces are arranged into thirteen layers with titles such as “Record Stories” or “Radio Silence.” Afterward, visitors can replay and research the acoustic experiences in an extensive digital audio-visual reference work dedicated to the historic development of radio art.

 “Radiophonic Spaces: A sonic journey through the history of Radio Art” opens at the Museum Tinguely, Basel, on October 23, 2018. The exhibition will be open to the public until January 27, 2019 and will be accompanied by an extensive program of live radio plays, workshops, audio walks and talks. Throughout its 14-week run, radio stations will broadcast live programs from the museum, and the department for Arts, Media and Philosophy at the University of Basel will hold an accompanying lecture series. Further information can be found at:

A week after the Basel opening, “Radiophonic Spaces” appears from November 1 to December 10, 2018 at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) as a walk-in radio space, experimental archive, studio and stage for sound. To mark the opening, the three-day event "Der Ohrenmensch" will explore knowledge of radiophony in a dense repertoire of live sets, performances, discussions and a "Radiophonic Funkkolleg." After the opening weekend, “Radiophonic Spaces” will be activated by weekly programs until December 10, 2018. Further information will soon be available on the HKW website:

Finally, the exhibition will travel to Weimar, where it can be experienced from July 26 to September 19, 2019 at the Bauhaus-University Weimar library as part of the Bauhaus 100th anniversary program.

“Radiophonic Spaces” is a project of the Chair of Experimental Radio at th Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in cooperation with the Museum Tinguely and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW). Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, State Chancellery of Thuringia, Hertie Foundation, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, Goethe Institut as well as Hanna and Dieter Paulmann. It has emerged from the interdisciplinary research project “Radiophonic Cultures – Environments and Archives in Hybrid Media System”.

Artistic director
Prof. Nathalie Singer
Experimentelles Radio, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Cevdet Erek
Design and technical realization of the sonic journey
MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Concept, development and organisation
Astrid Drechsler, Anja Erdmann, Andreas Feddersen,
Martin Hirsch, Elena Zieser
Curatorial advisors
Marcus Gammel, Maxie Götze, Gaby Hartel, Künstlerkollektiv k.a.a.l, Dr. Chikashi Miyama
Curatorial and research assistants
Andrea Cohen, Tatiana Eichenberger, Andreas Feddersen, Dr. Golo Föllmer, Andreas Hagelüken,
Patricia Jäggi, Jochen Meißner, Jan Philip Müller, Dr. Wolfram Wessels
Further authors
Katarina Agathos, Miguel Molina Alarcón, Andreja Andrisević, Prof. Sabine Breitsameter, Prof. Dr.
Camilla Bork, Christoph Brünggel, Amy Cimini, Dr. Andrea Cohen, Heather Contant, Astrid Drechsler, Dr. Martin Elste, Tobias Gerber, Frank Kaspar, Tina Klatte, Ingo Kottkamp, Michael Kunkel, Karsten Lichau, Dr. Hanne Loreck, Ania Mauruschat, Johann Mittmann, Katrin Moll, Wolfgang Mörth, Matthias Pasdzierny, Severin Schenkel, Thomas Schopp, Peter Schütz, Julia Tieke, Prof. Dr. Antje Tumat, Marianne Weil, Anne Zeitz u.a.
Tomke Braun, Stefanie Harnisch, Anne Meinzenbach
Assistants and rights clearance
Viola Ahrendsfeld, Stefanie Heim, Julia Herzog, Marvin Hetke, Silvia Kämpfer, Fabian Kühlein,
Johann Mittmann, Alissa Mönch, Simone Müller, Tania Palamkote, Josephine Prkno, Pia Schmidt,
Severin Schenkel, Robert Sonntag, Tino Schult, Tim Wiezorek, Alejandro Weyler, Markus Westphal,
Dominique Wollniok u.a.
Proofreading, editing
Viola Ahrensfeld, Fabian Ebeling, Irmgard Fuchs, Golo Föllmer, Steffen Greiner, Frank Kaspar, Darja
Klöpfer, Jochen Meißner, Eckhard Roelcke, Peter Schütz u.a.
David Berry-Lichtenberg, Denise Dewey-Muno, Jonathan Gibbs, Aimée Ducey-Gessner, Helen
Ferguson, Margarita Certeza Garcia, Lucy Jones, Carolin Kaulfersch, Kate McNaughton, Jenny Piening, Julian Pottier, Gabriele Wennemer u.a.
Our thanks to the following employees within the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 
Christa Billing, Melanie Birnschein, Elke Döhler, Marit Laura Haferkamp, Steffi Heine, Horst Henrici,
Uwe Hoyer, Marina Glaser, Yvonne Puschatzki, Sylvia Reichelt, Heike Sander, Kristina Schönherr, Frank Simon-Ritz, Dirk Schmidt, Winfried Speitkamp, Claudia Weinreich, Heike Wittig u.a.

Team MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Heads of project Radiophonic Spaces at MESO 
Nikos Mechanezidis, Christian Brauch
Interaction concept
Sebastian Oschatz
Software development
Johannes Busch, Johannes Höß, Henje Richter, Samuel Alp

Exhibition design
Graphic design
very, Frankfurt

Head of research group »Radiophonic Cultures (Sinergia/SNF)«
Prof. Dr. Ute Holl, Seminar für Medienwissenschaft,
Universität Basel

Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Südwestrundfunk, Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Radiophonic Spaces presents works and material by


ARTE Radio
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BR Bayerischer Rundfunk
CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Deutschlandfunk Kultur
DR Danmarks Radio
documenta 14 Radio/SAVVY Funk Berlin
EBU –Euroradio ‘Ars Acoustica Group’
France Culture (Radio France)
HR Hessischer Rundfunk  
KPFA Berkeley, USA
MDR Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk    
NDR Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk
NHK Nippon Hōsō Kyōka (Japanischer Rundfunk)
NPO Nederlandse Programma Stitching
NPR National Public Radio, USA
ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk
RNE Radio Nacional de España
RAI Radiotelevisione Italia
RB Radio Bremen
RBB Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
SR Saarländischer Rundfunk
SRF Schweizer RadioSveriges Radio
SWR Südwestrundfunk
WBEZ 91.5 Chicago, USA
WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Archives, estate executors, collections and other institutions
AdK Akademie der Künste Archiv
Archives départementales de l'Hérault
Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin
BBC Written Archives’ Centre
Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv im Ethnologischen
Bz Basel/Basellandschaftliche Zeitung
Daphne Oram Collection, Goldsmith University of
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
DHM Deutsches Historisches Museum
Dia Art Foundation (Dia:Beacon)
DRA Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv 
Estate Max Neuhaus
Fondazione Bonotto
FSK Freies Sender Kombinat Hamburg
Galerie Sprechsaal
GRI Getty Research Institute
GRM.INA Groupe de Recherches Musicales de
l’Institut national de l'audiovisuel
Hallwalls Archives
Hauser & Wirth
Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin
Hindemith Foundation
Historisches Archiv der Stiftung Deutsches
IMEC Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine
IWM Imperial War Museum London
Kienzle Art Foundation
Kunsthalle Göppingen
Lautarchiv der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
LoC Library of Congress
Lilly Library
Literaturinstitut Marbach
Marinetti Literary Archiv Italien
Médiathèque Vailais - Martigny
Moholy-Nagy Foundation
Museum Waalsdorp
Museumsstiftung Thomas Jabs
MusikTexte – Zeitschrift für neue Musik
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Paul Sacher Stiftung
Phonogrammarchiv der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften
radio aporee
Rheinisches Bildarchiv
Roth Estate
Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv
Stockhausen Stiftung
Studio di Fonologia der Radiotelevisione Italia (NoMus)
Studio Hamburg
Studio Simple (Lol und Jeck)
TH Köln
The New BBC Radiophonic Workshop
UCLA Library
Walter Dick Archiv Köln
ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe
Verlage, Labels/Publishers, labels
Alexander Verlag
bpk Bildagentur
Die Stadt
Edizioni Periferia
Fischer Verlage
Freibank Musikverlag
Golden Record
Grammo Records, Bern
Henschel Schauspiel Theaterverlag
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Immediate Media
Institut für Buchkunst Leipzig
Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Kiepenheuer Bühnenvertrieb
Kohlhammer Verlag
Megaphone Records
Mode Records
Mohrbooks – Literary Agency
Ozma Records
Edition Peters Group
Phonurgia Nova
Picture Alliance
Public Possession
Rowohlt Verlag
Suhrkamp Verlag
Universal Edition AG
Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
Verlag der Autoren
Wallstein Verlag