Studios of the Experimental Radio

Studio M5



Since 2008, the Chair of Experimental Radio has had a professional broadcasting and production studio for radio art, film sound and sound design, funded by the STIFT. The radio studio M5 is located in room 303 under the roof of Marienstraße 5. M5 is the main contact point for voice recordings for feature and radio play productions. A four-person voiceover room and separate workstations for live broadcasts and production allow for flexible recording, broadcasting and experimentation. Loudspeakers from ME Geithain serve as monitoring monitors. A high-quality Focusrite ISA 428 preamplifier ensures crystal-clear sound. The recording systems used are primarily Reaper and Ableton Live with audio interfaces from RME. In addition, various plug-ins are available for sound processing. Two Technics turntables and a mixer for DJs as well as extensive possibilities for integrating your own hardware and computers allow you to loop in a wide variety of sound generators, instruments and players.

The student initiative ( broadcasts weekly on Mondays from 7 - 11 pm from Studio M5. Interested students can contact at bauhausfm[at]

ProTools Studio

The ProTools Studio in Media House 1 is an editing and mixing station with the additional option of realising 5.1 surround productions with ProTools or Samplitude. Thanks to Avid Artist Mix and Artist Control remote controls with motorised faders, professional surround productions can also be run. Five ME Geithain loudspeakers with subwoofers serve as monitors. In addition to various common plug-ins for sound processing, the workstation also has the Spatial Audio Designer from New Audio technology. Simulations of real as well as virtual loudspeaker arrangements and studio rooms can be listened to on headphones. This makes it possible to create 3D mixes for industry standards such as IMAX, 2+2+2, Auro-3D® or up to 22.2 productions in Pro Tools Studio. There are no limits to sound experiments for radio, film, games, installations, etc. 

Studio at Medienhaus 1

[Translate to English:] Medienhaus

There is also the possibility of recording in the television studio of the media house. Especially when working with actors in the room, the wood-paneled room offers an interesting alternative to the recording booth. Recordings can be made either via mobile recording equipment of the chair or the Mediapoint.

Glass Cube at the Limona

[Translate to English:] Limona

The glass cube on the 6th floor of the Limona in Steubenstrasse 8 is not a studio of the professorship, but should be listed here for the sake of completeness. This room is the project room of the professorship in which - apart from the meetings in the context of the individual modules of a semester - for example the radio talks take place. The Limona also offers space to present exhibitions and installative sound works during the summaery.

You can find the new online lending system via this link:

There you can
1. view the equipment pool and the availability of sound equipment
2. request your desired equipment directly online
3. reserve for a specific period, specifying the project it is used for
4. after you have received a confirmation, pick up your equipment during the opening hours of the lending office

If you have any questions, you can always contact us by e-mail or come by while the lending office is open:

Tuesday 12:30 - 13:30
Thursday 17:00 - 18:00
M5, Marienstraße 5, Room 209

In order to use the lending system, you must first be registered as a user in the system. To do this, please send us an e-mail from your university address. Please note that this lending service is reserved for active students in courses of Experimental Radio, Acoustic Ecologies and Sound Studies.

In order for subsequent lending to work, it is essential that equipment is returned in time! Please do not return equipment in the last few minutes to the lending office and please note that we will not be able to lend out equipment in the future if it is returned late!

If you do not yet know exactly what equipment you need to realize your projects, you are welcome to contact us by e-mail or come by while lending office is opened.

Not all devices are yet registered in the digital lending system. The equipment pool will therefore expand in the coming weeks. If you need something that may be available but has not yet been registered, please send us an email and we will do our best to enter the items quickly.