A wonderful and exhilarating summaery2024 with over 160 projects lies behind us. More than 5,000 visitors took the chance to get to know our university, explore the current projects, ideas and work of students and teaching staff and celebrate the end of the academic year with us. Our photographers Dominique Wollniok, Thomas Müller and Matthias Eckert were out and about documenting exhibitions, events and the atmosphere on site. Have fun looking back!
Die Freie-Kunst-Absolventin Maria Fabricius-Wendt ist am Freitag, 12. Juli 2024, mit den Lyonel Kunstpreis 2024 geehrt worden. Der mit 2.000 Euro dotierte Nachwuchspreis wird seit 2019 für künstlerische Abschlussarbeiten aus der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung vom Lyonel – Verein zur Förderung von Kunst, Gestaltung und Kultur (Lyonel e.V.) ausgelobt.
Ausstellung und Preisverleihung hat unsere Absolventin der Medienkunst / Mediengestaltung Dominique Wollniok eingefangen.
The Faculty of Art and Design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar celebrated its 30th anniversary with an evening party on Friday, 7 June 2024. Numerous alumni, former teaching staff and current students came together in the so-called Produktdesigner-Hof (Product Designer Courtyard) behind the Van de Velde Building. We look back on an evening full of (re)encounters, inspiring conversations and lots of fun. Visual Communication alumnus Jannis Uffrecht captured the best moments in pictures.
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