In this year's ADC University Creative Index, the Free State of Thuringia takes an outstanding third place. This is based on the excellent achievements of students from the Faculty of Art and Design, who were successful in the renowned ADC Talent Award.
A total of seven prizes were awarded to student work from the Faculty of Art and Design in the Art Directors Club (ADC) competition for young talent in 2023: two of the coveted gold and bronze nails each and three awards went to Bauhaus students. Simon Geistlinger was particularly successful with his final project »We'll think of something«. He scored points in three categories and took home two of the gold nails.
All of these results are included in the calculation of the creative index. The rating is calculated annually on the basis of the most successful works by students, juniors and graduates submitted to the Art Directors Club's competition for young talent over the past three years. The results of the ranking are based on the number of all award-winning works and the number of points achieved. To calculate the »average value of creative excellence«, 9.3 for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar this year, the total number of points achieved is set in relation to the number of relevant universities in the respective federal state.
»The Art Directors Club Germany is one of the most important institutions for professional designers and creatives from all disciplines. In fact, it is the only one that collects and publishes an annual creative ranking for universities in Germany and is therefore a very important indicator for prospective students when it comes to choosing a university,« explains Burkhart von Scheven, Professor of Image-Text-Concept in the Visual Communication degree program.
»What is peculiar is that it is sorted by federal state. Only the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is on the list for Thuringia. It is therefore fair to say that the university with its Faculty of Art and Design has single-handedly managed to bring its own federal state to third place in this ranking - with 9.3 points, just 0.3 points behind mighty Bavaria. And this despite competing with all private universities, which can operate with completely different budgets in competition management. We finance our participation exclusively from the professorships' budget.«
If you have any questions, please contact Romy Weinhold, Press and Public Relations Officer at the Faculty of Art and Design, by telephone on +49 / 36 43 / 58 11 86 or by email at romy.weinhold[at]
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