NOVA art space is pleased to announce the opening of the group exhibition »CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA« with works by Larissa Barth, Taissa Fromme, Samira Gebhardt, Lisa Hopf and Jannis Uffrecht on July 15th, 2021, 5-8pm. All five artists graduated from Bauhaus University Weimar last year – largely to the exclusion of the public. Their works are now being made accessible for the first time in an exhibition on campus.
While all the artists pursue their own themes and questions, they are united above all by the period in which their final projects were created. For many, the time after graduation is marked by joy at their achievement and perhaps a little melancholy at the end of the formative study period, but it is also always a departure into the unknown, and in times of a global pandemic, an additional challenge. The exhibition »CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA« celebrates the work of the graduates once again, this time in a fitting manner, and thus encourages them to take a positive look into the future.
On the one hand, the exhibition title refers to the cosmic event of the supernova, in which a massive star at the end of its life briefly acquires a tremendous luminosity through a violent explosion (pun intended). On the other hand, »CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA« is based on the eponymous song by the Britpop band Oasis, which addresses the changes in the lives of young adults and the intoxicating nature of this time, but also looks back on these important years: Some day you will find me / In a champagne supernova in the sky.
The five participating artists were nominated for the shortlist by an expert jury consisting of Daniel Marzona (Galerie Daniel Marzona Berlin), Julia Schäfer (GfZK Leipzig) and Anne Schwanz (Office Impart, Berlin) in the course of the Lyonel Art Prize, which will be awarded for the second time this year. The winner of the Lyonel Art Prize, endowed with 2,000 Euros and sponsored by Wiegand Manufactur Weimar, will be announced on Friday, July 16th, 2021.
With »CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA«, NOVA art space will open its last exhibition on July 15th, 2021. NOVA art space, which was founded in spring 2019 by Katharina Wendler in collaboration with students of Bauhaus University as a platform for contemporary arts and their (re)presentation, will not offer any further program for the time being with the departure of its director. NOVA cordially invites everyone to celebrate this supernova with champagne on July 15th.
Exhibition duration:
July 16–18, 2021
Thursday, July 15, 2021, 5 – 8 p.m.
Opening hours:
daily, 12 – 6 p.m.
Exhibitin artists:
Larissa Barth, Taissa Fromme, Samira Gebhardt, Lisa Hopf, Jannis Uffrecht
NOVA art space
Berkaer Strasse 11
99423 Weimar
Curated by:
Felix Deiters, Coretta Klaue und Elena Kohnen
Katharina Wendler
NOVA Team 2021:
Felix Deiters, Coretta Klaue, Elena Koh¬nen, Fabian Reetz, Till Röttjer, Rio Usui
We would like to thank Katharina Wendler for her tireless commitment and support, which goes far beyond the founding and conception of NOVA art space, as well as for her theoretical and practical teaching on curating and contemporary exhibition practice, which has had a strong impact on Bauhaus University and especially the Fine Arts program over the past three years and helped us to gain new momentum.