Poster for the event »Major Confidence«


»What's one thing Kanye has taught you?« the outlet implored.
»Kanye has taught me major confidence,« Kim said.

During a recent video-interview for Vogue, the celebrities Kim Kardashian and Kanye West revealed not only how they were meant to be, but also shared how their relationship supports them as individuals. Apart from the insight that Kanye West gives his wife Kim Kardashian West the ‘confidence’ she needs to follow her dreams of becoming a lawyer, what can we learn from public popular figures teaming up as world-renowned power couples? Building up and playing with images of high-productive unity, business, and fame, »Major Confidence« is founded on a shared understanding of a cooperational effort.

In the duo-exhibition the artists Taissa Fromme and Max Broda are working in installative surroundings with different media, creating both surfaces, enclosures and moving images of mediated understandings of reality spheres. Public figures in news feeds transport shared popular understandings and can easily be taken as a major example or inspiration for conversation.

»Major Confidence« can be seen as the working title and motivational force of how to make sense in a world of ever shifting realities and cooperative formations. We also don’t want to shut us out: It is a dialogue, not only between two artists, but raises also the question of inner/outside worlding in a broader conversation.

Text by Jasmine G. Wenzel

Exhibition duration:
22 – 26 May 2019

Tuesday, 21 May 2019, 7 - 9 p.m.

Opening hours:
Daily, 12 – 18 h