The Weimar Model

Was ist eigentlich das Weimarer Modell?
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Weimar's university regained an artistic focus with the establishment of the Faculty of Art and Design in 1993. The Faculty – which is also an art college of Thuringia in the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar – offers an integrated, project-based art and design study programme, known as the »Weimar Model«.
The "project" is the central unit of instruction in the Weimar Model's integrated, project-based study programme. Projects are supplemented by scientific seminars, workshops and specialist courses which are usually oriented to meet the project's requirements.
The subject-specific projects are generally open to all students in all disciplines and are essential for both integrative instruction and cross-disciplinary studies. Within the framework of this open curriculum, students are free to choose courses based on their personal interests and abilities.
National and international recognition, our graduates' success in entering the professional workforce, the activities of our employees and professors (exhibitions, publications, etc.) and the annual tours that present our activities to the public are all testimony to the solid innovative capability of the "Weimar Model" at the Faculty of Art and Design.