The handout on roles that deal with processes in the area of organisation and further development of student and academic affairs is aimed at students, faculty and employees. It is meant to create a common understanding of these roles in the university and the four faculties and to standardise information and functions. The handout should also lead to the understanding that it is people who take on a role that is associated with certain tasks. For this reason, the handout is intended to be helpful when these roles are to be transferred from one person to another.
The handout is based on the Thuringian Higher Education Act (ThürHG of 6/6/2018), the University Charter (GO of 5/4/2019) and the Evaluation Regulations of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (EvaO of 15/10/2021), as well as interviews with role owners. The handout was coordinated with the Vice-President of Academic Affairs, the Deans of Studies, the Office of Student and Academic Affairs and Institutional Development. It was developed by the Quality and Degree Programme Development Work Group.
Below you will find a brief overview of the roles in student and academic affairs. You can read more detailed descriptions in the handout.
Below you will find a brief overview of the roles in student and academic affairs. You can read more detailed descriptions in the handout.
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