4 April, 2022
Our loan service is a service for students and staff of the Faculty of Art and Design.
Loans are handled via the following website: https://leihka.uni-weimar.de
You can request your access data at: videowerkstatt[at]gestaltung.uni-weimar.de
Loans can be picked up or returned on weekdays from 2 - 3 pm.
During the lecture-free period, this is only possible on Wednesdays from 2 - 3 pm.
When making a reservation, you will be asked to specify a pick-up and return date. Please consider the time window for pick-up/return when making your plans. Reservations should generally not be requested more than 4 weeks in advance. Equipment is generally only handed out to the person who made the reservation. This person will be asked to identify himself/herself via THOSKA when collecting the equipment. Reservations that have not been collected will be deleted after 24 hours at the latest. Equipment not returned on time will automatically be reminded and subject to a loan suspension.
It is not possible to extend your loan, as the loan contract you signed always specifies a certain period of time.
However, you can try to make a follow-up booking: To do this, reserve all the items you have lent from the following day on which you return your current loan. Notify us and come to the workshop at the time of the original return of your current loan to sign the contract of the follow-up booking. Should it occur during the re-booking of your already borrowed equipment that one or more items are not available, the entire loan must be returned on the agreed date, an loan extension / follow-up booking is not possible in this case.
The regular maximum loan period is 1 week. If the rental equipment is required for longer than 7 days, this must be justified in the reservation request. A longer loan period can only be granted in exceptional cases (low demand / low capacity utilisation).
We generally recommend that you check whether there is insurance cover for damage or loss of equipment for which you are responsible. When taking rental equipment to countries that are not members of the European Union, it is necessary to have appropriate insurance against damage and loss and to show this to the workshop staff before the equipment is handed over.
For equipment sets with a high replacement value, it is also strongly recommended that you ensure appropriate insurance cover and always insure the as-new value of the equipment.
We will provide you with tested and cleaned equipment. It is your responsibility to check a loan for completeness and functionality upon pick-up. In addition to careful handling, we also expect the equipment to be returned clean.
The operation of the rental platform is largely self-explanatory. We have documented all functions for you in the following instructions (currently only available in German):
» Instructions in German (PDF Download)
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