Information for study starters
Class Schedule and the Weimar Model
At the Faculty of Art and Design, students study according to the Weimar Model, meaning that this is a project-based course of study. According to this model, projects represent the central unit of instruction. Students work intensively on one topic or one problem solution for the duration of the semester. A course selection takes place at the beginning of every semester just before classes begin. The results of this selection determine what classes the students will attend.
For exchange students applies: This selection system thus makes it impossible to provide a list of concrete courses to the home university prior to this auction. Courses in the following disciplines are offered every semester:
Fine Art:
- Experimental Painting and Drawing
- Object/Sculpture/Installation
- Video, Media Art, New Media Installations
- Performance
- Art and Social Terrain
- Concept Art
- Contextual Works in Public Space
- New Artistic Strategies
The degree programme is taught by Prof. Björn Dahlem (Sculpture, Object, Installation), Prof. Jana Gunstheimer (Experimental Painting and Drawing) and Prof. Christine Hill (Art and Social Terrain).
Media Art and Design:
- Acoustic Ecologies and Sound Studies (Jun.-Prof. Kerstin Ergenzinger)
- Electroacoustic Composition and Sound Art (Prof. Maximilian Marcoll)
- Experimental Radio (Prof. Nathalie Singer)
- Media Environments (Prof. Ursula Damm)
- Interface Design (Prof. Martin Hesselmeier)
- Media Events (Prof. Wolfgang Kissel)
Product Design:
- Design and Management: Prof. Gerrit Babtist
- Emerging Technologies and Design: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Pearce (on parental leave March – August 2025): Substituted by Associate Prof. Dr. Paula Strunden
- Transformative Design: Prof. Martin Kuban
- Industrial Design: Prof. Andreas Mühlenberend
Visual Communication:
The course selection
At the beginning of every semester a (digital) course selection takes place at the Faculty of Art and Design. This selection determines which projects, practical modules (Fachmodule) and academic/scientific modules the students will be able to attend. The course selection encompasses two sequential events: project presentations (accessible online via our course catalogue in Bison) and professor consultations.
Project Presentations
Information on courses, the so-called project presentations, can be found online via the course catalogue »Bison«. From Friday, 1 September 2023, links with additional information (e.g. video clips, PDFs) on the course can be found in the course description texts, presenting the current lectures. In this way, all students will get an overview of what is on offer in the coming semester.
Course Selection Process for Projects, academic modules and and Practical courses (Fachkurse)
The project and specialised course selection takes place after the project presentations. The project selection is done online via Bison.
Notification about admittance in the project, practical and academic modules
The days shortly after the course selection takes place, students will be informed exclusively by using the Weimar univeristy e-mail address about the courses they are admitted to.
If students encounter problems in choosing a course, they should contact the following contact persons in this order:
- Lecturer of the desired course
- Academic advisor
- Programme spokesperson
Project modules, practical modules and academic modules
Each student can attend a total of three courses:
- 1 Project module
- 1 Practical module (Fachmodul oder Werkmodul)
- 1 Academic module
Due to the limited faculty capacities and the required teacher to student ratios, it is NOT possible to attend multiple projects or practical courses during one semester. Please adhere to this rule and always respect the study regulations that apply to you!
Credits/European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
After the successful completion of a semester at the Faculty of Art and Design, students generally receive a total of 30 credit points/ECTS. This number of credits is obtained by attending the following combination of courses:
1 Project module → 18 ECTS
1 Practical module (Fachkurs/Werkmodul) → 6 ECTS
1 Academic module → 6 ECTS
→ 30 ECTS
All courses, except in the international degree programmes and unless otherwise specified, are taught in German. Academic staff may decide individually to what extent the lesson is conducted in English if and when international students participate in the project.
For safety reasons and insurance purposes, you must first attend an introductory course before you may use any of the workshops at the Faculty of Art and Design.