The product design graduates of the Bauhaus University Weimar present their theses in the Van De Velde workshop as part of the Summaery 2012 from the 12th to the 15th July. The bachelor, master and diploma graduates join together in presenting for the »Product design finals« in this year’s exhibition.
Often, design mirrors the beauty of the world, it is a flawless surface, an appealing silhouette. The product designer forms the outer shell that beguiles the beholder’s eye, and awakens (un)attainable desires; a sparkling sea surrounding us everywhere and every day. Today, design is an inflationary term that is used for all customised products.
The exhibition »Imagination of things« gives a deeper insight. Twenty product design graduates disclose their »Imagination of Things« of this world.
The “flawless surface” is not the beginning, rather the end of a long creative and conceptual journey. It starts with an idea, a vision. The variety of the exhibits shows the many different influences and opinions that accompanied the product designers on their journey. Aesthetic as well as social, scientific, technical and fashionable subject matters are combined and have an influence on the design process. The complexity of the program and the work of a product designer are seen in the chosen themes. The wide array ranges from products, concepts and guide-systems for service to integrative design.
A design concept or object is always something created, but it also creates. A design has a dialogue with its environment and also influences it. This dialogue should be encouraged and stimulated by the product designer. The topic, function, effect and goal of an idea have to be established and a purpose in our world needs to be defined.
A product is never just a fixed entity, but an apparent expression of an intensive interchange. This interchange is key in the field of product design and allows variety in work. A design concept or object is more than meets the eye.
On that note, we would like to invite you to the exhibition »Imagination of Things«. Please, have a closer look and form your own opinion.
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