American slang advises us to »get a grip’«; more generally we speak of »coming to grips with an issue.’« Both figures reflect the evolutionary dialogue between the hand and the brain.
- Richard Sennett -
The scientific disciplines in the Faculty of Art and Design teach students the fundamental attitudes and working methods in the humanities and cultural sciences, as well as the theoretical basis of artistic and design processes. Nowadays designers and artists alike are expected to position their conceptual skills in relation to cultural practice and relevant lines of discourse. Students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are able to think analytically and critically and are equipped with articulation and presentation skills. The curriculum‘s theoretical focus is anything but abstract; the courses introduce students to a wide spectrum of fascinating historical material, elegant methods, interdisciplinary research activities, unconventional theories and current debates. In the master‘s degree programmes and, in particular, the PhD programme in Art and Design, candidates have the opportunity to explore and expand their knowledge of the methodical approaches of artistic research. Five chairs are responsible for teaching students essential knowledge in the areas of History and Theory of Art, Aesthetics, Visual Communication, Design and Architecture in the form of accompanying scientific modules, independent teaching and research. In this way the Faculty of Art and Design meets the requirements of university-level qualification (the faculty is authorized to confer doctorates and postdoctoral lecture qualifications). And unlike any other university in Germany, the interweave of theory and praxis through interdisciplinary project work makes the degree programmes at the Faculty of Art and Design absolutely unique.
The teaching professors are:
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