
Published: 24 June 2022

VR/AR Learning Days 2022 (Multiplier Event, PARFORCE, 07.06.-10.06.2022)

Within the framework of VR/AR Learning Days 2022 workshop, German academic institutes have presented their latest achievements in research and teaching implementations of VAMR (virtual, augmented and mixed reality) applications and virtual learning platforms.

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has participated in this workshop presenting the most recent implementations of VAMR in higher education teaching scenarios, namely using the 360-degree VR footage creating virtual laboratories and virtual excursions for students in civil engineering. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Söbke and Dipl.-Des. Florian Wehking have presented different concepts when implementing 360-degree scenarios in education, such as (collaborative) applications, didactics criteria and learning objectives, technical features and means, and respective qualitative evaluations. They have also introduced the home-made “” platform, on which 360-degree teaching content is presented. Virtual tours, such as the “Bauhaus2050” 360-degree campus excursion, a 360-degree model of the “P-Bank” project, and a 360-degree video of the “Padma Bridge” are among notable examples that are currently accessible for public on the platform. M.Sc. Mahsa Mirboland has also presented a framework on 360-degree and 180-degree VR footage in E-learning, specifically in delivering remote-access experiments to civil engineering students and in creating virtual laboratories - First Resultate of the Erasmus+ SP project PARFORCE. Various laboratory experiments, e.g. wind tunnel tests, out-of-plane behavior of masonry structures, and fire resistance tests have been depicted as interactive virtual tours, benefitting from different VR footage formats. Further efforts regarding the research in VAMR implementation in higher education and future collaboration opportunities have also been discussed.

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