Project name:
Life Cycle Management of Public Estates with a Focus on Universities and Research Institutes (LEMA)
"Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung" (BBR)
Time period:
2006 - 2008
Project description:
Due to the federalistic reform (Föderalismusreform) and the abolition of the higher education building aid law (Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz HBFG), and against the background of a massive reconstruction backlog, the German research institutes and higher education institutes (universities and colleges) face numerous organisational and economic changes and a range of new challenges. Hence the increase in the competition for financial resources and students and calls for more efficiency in the allocation of resources.
Given the current debate on the transformation process the German higher education sector faces, the overall aim is to identify compulsory change processes in the estate management. In this context, the composition seeks to give a comprehensive but concise overview of estate management in the higher education sector. In addition, the report aims to develop a data stucture model which contains the crucial data elements needed to support a robust value-for-money analysis, subsequent decisions for the form of procurement as well as potentially succeeding construction, reconstruction, conversion and/or operation processes. The report is divided into three major parts.
- Real Estate Portfolio: structures and characteristics of estate management in the German higher education sector,
- Specific Projects: concentrates on specific PPP projects of higher education institutions,
- Data Structure: analysis and evaluation of existing data and operating figures for life cycle estate management; developing data structure model for controlling.
Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH, Hochtief PPP Solutions GmbH
- Research Report (3 MB) (ISBN 978-3-86068-341-5):
Alfen, Hans Wilhelm; Fischer, Katrin; Schwanck, Anke; Kiesewetter, Frank; Steinmetz, Freia; Gürtler, Volkhard: Lebenszyklusorientiertes Management öffentlicher Liegenschaften am Beispiel von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen, in: Schriftenreihe der Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre im Bauwesen, Band Nr. 4; Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Forschungsbericht, Weimar, 2008. - Alfen, Hans Wilhelm; Fischer, Katrin: "Will PPP Help to Meet the Infrastructural Needs of the Higher Education and Research Sector?", in: EPPPL 1/2008.
- Alfen, Hans Wilhelm; Schwanck, Anke: "The German PPP effect. Hans Wilhelm Alfen and Anke Schwanck from Bauhaus Universität Weimar explain the impact of Public Private Partnerships on higher education in Germany" in:, 2008.
- Schwanck, Anke; Alfen, Hans Wilhelm: "PPP für Hochschulgebäude. Public Private Partnership als Alternative im Bau und Betrieb von Hochschulgebäuden", in: Facility Management 6/2008
Contact: Prof. Dr. Hans Wilhelm Alfen, Anke Schwanck, Frank Kiesewetter, Dr. Katrin Fischer