Polymermodified cement concrete (PCC) for innovative applications in traffic constructions


Polymermodified cement concrete for innovative applications in traffic constructions


"Entrepreneurial Regions" The BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) Innovation Initiative for the New German Länder

Time period:

2008 - 2009 (Phase I)

Project description:

The research project “Polymermodified Cement Concrete (PCC) for innovative applications in traffic constructions” is based on an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The initiative “ForMaT- Research for the market in Teams” is a part of the program “Entrepreneurial Regions”. The main objective of the initiative is to transfer yet unused knowledge from research to the economy.

An interdisciplinary team consisting of the Junior Lecturer Polymer binders and building materials in the building industry from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dimmig-Osburg, the Chair for Building Materials Science from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stark as well as the Chair of Construction Economics from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfen works together in this project.

Based on the results of basic research it was the primary goal of phase I (Screening phase) to generate ideas for practical use from PCC, to examine the relevant markets as well as the potential of new products and/or application from PCC.

While the team of Mrs. Dimmig-Osburg paid attention to the technical aspects and the identification of potential fields to apply the building material, the team of Mr. Alfen was primarily concerned with the economical aspects, for instance the analysis of potential markets, the investigation of market chances and the customization of innovative building materials. A regular and continuous exchange and dialogue between the teams provided the basis for goal-oriented co-operation.


Juniorprofessur Polymere Bindemittel und Baustoffe im Bauwesen, Professur Allgemeine Baustoffkunde


In the course of phase I (screening-phase) different applications could be generated and analyzed regarding their practical feasibility. A broad survey represented an essential part to receive a valuation about potential application of PCC by customers and users. The most promising application fields for PCC turned out to be for example bridge caps, redevelopment of traffic surfaces, bridge pillar, tubbings in the tunnel construction etc.

Due to its specific characteristics PCC can represent an attractive alternative to conventional solutions. Today PCC is still more expensively than other cement concrete. However, the advantage of PCC becomes clear considering the increased durability especially in regard of the lifecycle of the appropriate construction.

In the next years it is necessary to adapt PCC to the specific requirements of construction. It will be interesting to observe if and how the application of PPC will develop in practice and how one can make use of the positive market opportunity. At least the group of researchers could improve the publicity of PCC for users and customers.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Hans Wilhelm Alfen, Bernd Buschmeier, Stefan Menges