We offer a range of courses (in German) for the engineering Bachelor degrees within the faculty of civil engineering, includung
- Mathematik I (Lineare Algebra)
- Mathematik II (Analysis, Differentialgleichungen)
- Mathematik III (Stochastik)
as well as courses for computer science courses of the Media Studies department, including
- Lineare Algebra
- Analysis
- Numerik
(all in German).
In addition to these Bachelor level courses, we offer compulsory and elective courses directed at several Master degrees, including
- Höhere Mathematik
- Mathematik/Statistik
- Complex Dynamics
- Mathematics of Data Science
- Applied Mathematics and Stochastics
- Structural parameter survey and evaluation
- Statistics
Several of these courses are taught in English.
Details can be found in the course directory, the current course (module) handbooks, and of course on the respective Moodle sites.