
Die Professur Bauphysik ist nun auf Social Media!

Die Professur Bauphysik freut sich zu verkünden, dass wir nun auf Instagram und YouTube zu finden sind. Dort werden wir regelmäßig über Aktuelles aus den verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten, Events und Meilensteine sowie aus unseren Laboren berichten.

A trip to the test modules of VertiKKA

On 30.09.2020, the Department of Building Physics had a field trip to Tiefurt to visit the test modules of the developed façade greening system VertiKKA.

"Sendung mit der Maus" is a guest in Weimar

Why do we wear masks? And how do they protect us from the coronavirus? The presenter, Clarissa Corrêa da Silva is on ground at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar to answer this question, among others in the next edition of the popular children's program. The film was shot in early July 2020 in the laboratory of the Building Physics Professorship. The broadcast date is Sunday, August 23 at 9:30 am on ARD television.

Searching for clues: building physicists from Weimar help investigate a crime

Four weeks ago, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar received an unusual request: the renowned criminologist Axel Petermann asked for assistance in the preparation of a forensic expert report. Specifically, the question was whether DNA traces can be transmitted through the air when we speak or breathe. Petermann hoped to obtain conclusive proof during a schlieren laboratory experiment under the Professorship for Building Physics.

»BauhausUniVisor« tested in front of the schlieren mirror

The »BauhausUniVisor« has been produced in the Bauhaus Form + Function Lab (BFFL) since April and is now being used in various places. Thanks to the interdisciplinary cooperation between academic staff for product design and building physics at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, a video now shows how wearing the visor affects the spread of the air we breathe.

Keep your distance: A new video from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar illustrates how germs can spread through the air.

What happens when you cough? With the help of a so-called schlieren mirror, researchers at the Building Physics Professorship make visible what is normally hidden from the naked eye: Air currents in a room. The short film impressively shows why we should follow the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations on how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

New joint project Trail² approved

Under the direction of the Chair of Building Physics, the project "Transformation in Rural Areas" (TRAIL) will continue until October 2022. The aim is to optimize the energy supply of small towns and villages with less than 10,000 inhabitants and to reduce energy costs with the help of a data-based online tool. The Weimar experts have around 777,000 euros in funding available for the dataTRAIL sub-project.

Long Night of Science

At November 15th, 2019 from 6-12 pm the long night of the science rises in Weimar. The Chair of Building Physics will be present with guided tours through our laboratories as well as with experiments on sound and airflow measurements. The demonstrations will be accompanied by visualizations by the Chair of Intelligent Technical Design (Prof. Koch). Of course, many partner institutions also offer an exciting and varied program.

These were the Building Physics Days 2019 in Weimar

The Bauhaus celebrates 100 years! Against this background, the 11th Building Physics Days took place in Weimar. About 140 experts from science and practice met at the Bauhaus University Weimar to confer and discuss current topics in building physics.

Kick-off of the research project "smoodPlan"

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the joint project "smoodPlan" as part of the regional growth core initiative "smood - smart neighborhood". The aim is to establish a holistic system for district or urban energy management.