Laboratory equipment
With the 3D scanning vibrometer PSV-400-3D from Polytec, the three-dimensional vibration behavior of components can be determined. The vibrometer consists of 3 laser heads with an integrated camera and an evaluation unit. The vibrometer is currently used to develop a method for the indirect determination of parameters of structure-borne sound sources from the sound power emitted by typical structure-borne sound sources installed on plate-shaped structures.
Building and room acoustic measuring devices
(Airborne sound / impact sound / sound intensity, sound power, immission protection)
- 4-channel sound analyzer, Sinus Messtechnik, type Soundbook
- 4-channel sound analyzer, Sinus Messtechnik, type harmony
- 2-channel sound analyzer, Neutrik Cortex Instruments, type NC10
- 1-channel handheld sound level meter, Brüel & Kjaer, type 2236
- Airborne sound sources (measuring speakers)
- Dodecahedron loudspeaker, outline, type GSR Globe Source
- Dodecahedron loudspeaker, type DO 12-S
- Sub Woofer, Outline, TYPE GSS Globe Sub
- STI reference loudspeaker, NTI, type TalkBox type
- Tapping machine, Retec Instruments, type RI 069
- Measurement microphones, Microtech Gefell, type MM 210 (MK250 + MV210)
- Microphone calibrator, Larson Davis, type CAL 200
- Sound intensity probe, Microtech Gefell, type SIS 92
- Microphone phase calibrator, G.R.A.S., type 51AB
- dummy head (artificial head), G.R.A.S., Type 45BA Kemar Manikin
- Pistophone, G.R.A.S., Type 42AP
Measurement devices for structure-borne sound
(vibration measurement, structure analysis)
- 32-channel-analyzer, Oros, Typ Or 38
- Structure-born sound sources
- vibration testing system, Tira, System TV 51110
- 2 x shaker, Typ S 51110
- 2 x amplifier, Typ BAA 120
- Impact hammer, different masses, PCB Piezotronics, Typs 086C02, 086D05, 086D20
- Small tapping machin, Stratenschulde, System Gösele
- Structure-born sound sensors
- accalleration meters different meassuarement ranges, 1- und 3-dimensional, PCB Piezotronics und Dytran
- calibrator for accalleration meters, PCB Piezotronics, Typ 394C06
- force sensors, Dytran
- impedance heads (combined force-accalleration meters), PCB Piezotronics und Dytran
Measuring device for the determination of material properties
Impedance tube for determining the degree of sound absorption and transmission, Akustikforschung Dresden, Typ AFD 1001 und 1201
Bau- und raumakustische Messgeräte
(Luftschall/Trittschall/Schallintensität, Schallleistung, Immissionsschutz)
- 4-Kanal Schallanalysator, Sinus-Messtechnik, Typ Soundbook
- 4-Kanal Schallanalysator, Sinus-Messtechnik, Typ Harmonie
- 2-Kanal Schallanalysator, Neutrik Cortex Instruments, Typ NC10
- 1-Kanal Handschallpegelmesser, Brüel&Kjaer, Typ 2236
- Luftschallquellen (Messlautsprecher)
» Dodekaeder, Outline, Typ GSR Globe Source
» Tieftonlautsprecher, Outline, TYP GSS Globe Sub
» Dodekaeder, Typ DO 12-S
» STI-Referenzlautsprecher, NTI, Typ TalkBox - Normhammerwerk, Retec Instruments, Typ RI 069
- Messmikrofone, Microtech Gefell, Typ MM 210
(MK250 + MV210) - Mikrofonkalibrator, Larson Davis, Typ CAL 200
- Schallintensitätssonde, Microtech Gefell, Typ SIS 92
- Mikrofon-Phasenkalibrator, G.R.A.S., Typ 51AB
- Messkunstkopf, G.R.A.S., Typ 45BA Kemar Manikin
- Pistophone, G.R.A.S., Typ 42AP
Messgerät zur Bestimmung von Stoffeigenschaften
Impedanzmessrohr zur Bestimmung des Schallabsorptions- sowie des Schalltransmissionsgrades, Akustikforschung Dresden, Typ AFD 1001 und 1201
Miniaturprüfstand zur Validierung von Schwingungssimulationen mit Messungen