Suggested topics for student theses are listed below. Depending on the scope and depth of work, the topics are assigned as student research projects, Bachelor's or Master's theses. If you are interested, please contact your supervisor.
A formatting guide for theses at the Chair of Urban Water Management and Technologies of Urban Material Flow Utilization can be found here.
Objective and problem definition:
Best practice examples of good inter-municipal cooperation are to be compiled. What are the success factors and where are the hurdles and barriers? A concept for knowledge management for municipalities is to be developed within the framework of a defined study region (Saarland). The focus of this work is to compile and propose modern, digital methods and tools for inter-municipal knowledge management and to scientifically examine the cost structure as well as the prerequisites, functions and effects.
(Projekt KONNEKT)
Contact: If you are interested, please send an e-mail to anna.pfannstiel[at]
Objective and problem definition:
Not only the transformation of the inhabited settlement area into CO2-, energy-neutral, climate-adapted and nature-compatible spaces - oases in the settlement area - is a task to respond to current and future challenges (climate neutrality, ...). But what about existing or planned commercial areas? How can a space whose sole objective is the profitable production of goods become a sustainable (or more sustainable) component of a settlement structure?
The thesis will examine when an industrial estate is considered sustainable and which criteria could be considered decisive for an assessment.
Contact: If you are interested, please send an e-mail to gregor.steinhoefel[at]
Objective and problem definition:
As part of the final thesis, recommendations and assistance for the implementation of measures in the context of urban water management for more sustainability in residential areas are to be developed on the basis of a broad literature research (international) on already tested project examples, adapted to the case study.
Contact: If you are interested, please send an e-mail to gregor.steinhoefel[at]
Objective and problem definition:
In urban areas, municipalities are facing growing challenges in water management. Due to climate change, which is leading to more frequent heavy rainfall events and longer periods of drought, adaptation measures are unavoidable. Blue-green infrastructure concepts such as VertiKKA are becoming increasingly important as they improve the environment, increase the quality of life and have a positive impact on the microclimate. Façade greening systems such as VertiKKA also offer opportunities for water reuse and storage in order to relieve the burden on the sewage system.
This master's thesis aims to investigate the impact and scaling effects of VertiKKA on water management on a neighborhood scale. Furthermore, implementation strategies are to be developed. The investigation is carried out on a predefined neighborhood.
Contact: If you are interested, please send an e-mail to gloria.maria.kohlhepp[at]
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