Former Staff

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana von Horn

Siedlungswasserwirtschaft & Industrielle Wasserwirtschaft
Hochschule Bremen
Neustadtswall 30
28199 Bremen

phone: +49 (0) 421/5905 2900
e-Mail:  Jana.von-Horn[at]

fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • cooperation with courses; main focus drinking water distribution and storage, wastewater treatment
  • processing of research projects
  • project ENTPAK "recycling of phosphorus; reclamation of industrial/ agricultural recycable utilizable phosphorus compounds from wastewater and sewage sludge"
  • project Rosental "optimising operations of the wastewater treatment plant in Leipzig-Rosental"


education and working experience

  • 1997 - 2003 studies at the University of Hannover, field of civil engineering, branch of study: environmental engineering and environmental technology
  • from April 2003 until April 2007 faculty member of the department of environmental and sanitary engineering
  • doctoral thesis: Investigations on Phosphorus recovery from EBPR excess sludge

Dr.-Ing. Sten Meusel

Zweckverband Wasser und Abwasser
Lobensteiner Oberland

Poststraße 38
07356 Bad Lobenstein

Tel.: +49 (0) 36651 6370
Fax: +49 (0) 36651 63710



fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • cooperation with courses; main focus: sewer simulations and EU-water outline directive
  • processing of current research projects:
    LIPPE and RUR as well as WALSE

education and working experience

  • 1994 - 2002 studies at Bauhaus-University Weimar, field of civil engineering, branch of study: environmental engineering and waste management
  • 1997 - 1998 language trip and internship in Temuco/Chile
  • 2002 - 2003 project engineer of environmental engineering with IBK Ingenieurbüro, Gera
  • December 2003 - December 2007 faculty member of the department of environmental and sanitary engineering
  • Doctoral thesis: Further development of substance-related measure planning for implementation of European WFD - case of river Ilm

personal facts

  • born in1975 in Rudolstadt
  • Hobbys: guitar; traveling

Dr.-Ing. Pang Zhiqi

Peking University
No. 5 Yiheyuan Road Haidan District
P.R.China 100871


field of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • conferral of a doctorate

education and working experience

  • 1997 - 2001 undergraduate studies at Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Industrial Analysis
  • 2001 - 2004 graduate studies at Beijing Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, main focus Water Treatment
  • from Sept. 2004 until April 2008 conferral of a doctorate of the department urban water management and sanitation
  • doctoral thesis: Phosphorus enrichment in the treatment of pig manure in China using anaerobic digestion technology

personal facts

  • born in 1979 in Jilin (China)
  • Hobbys: running; music

Dr.-Ing. Jan-Mauriz Kaub

TUTTHAS & MEYER Ing.-Gesellschaft mbH

Universitätsstraße 74
44789 Bochum

fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 

processing of research projects

education and working experience

  • 1995 - 2000 studies at the Technischen Universität Dresden, field of water resources, branch of study: environmental and industral water supply and distribution; Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur for water management
  • 2001 - 2003 staff member of the Stadtwerken Düsseldorf AG, department for design and maintenance waterworks
  • April 2003 - March 2009 faculty member of the department of environmental and sanitary engineering

Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Mälzer

Aufgabenbereiche an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • Forschungs- und Projektarbeiten im Bereich Wasser- und Rohrleitungsbau
  • ausgewählte Untersuchungen zur Zuverlässigkeit, zur Lebensdauer und zum Tragverhalten erdverlegter Rohrleitungen
  • Fachstudienberater für den Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen (bis 2011)
  • wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wasserbau; seit 10/2011 Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft
  • Lehr-, Prüfungs- und Betreuungsleistungen in den Lehrkomplexen Wasserbau und Rohrleitungsbau; Vorlesungen und Lehraufträge Rohrleitungsbau und Wasserbau im Bachelor-Studium und in der Vertiefung/ Master- Studium für die Lehrgebiete Rohrleitungsbau und Rohrstatik
  • Strukturierung und Koordinierung der Lehre des Lehrgebietes Wasser- und Rohrleitungsbau
  • Organisation von Fachtagungen, Seminaren und Exkursionen

Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang

  • Studium Bauingenieurwesen an der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar (1967- 1972), Abschluss Diplom- Bauingenieur
  • Tätigkeit im Militärbauwesen
  • Tätigkeit als Projektierungsingenieur in der Abteilung Tiefbauprojektierung des Wohnungsbaukombinates Erfurt
  • wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl Versorgungsanlagen der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar
  • Promotion 1984 an der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar, Fakultäten Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen
  • bis 2011 wissenschaftlicher Oberassistent des Lehrstuhls Wasser- und Rohrleitungsbau der Bauhaus- Universität Weimar
  • 2011 - Febr. 2014 Mitarbeiter der Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft
  • Sommersemester 2014 Lehrbeauftragter der Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, Lehrgebiet Wasser- und Rohrleitungsbau

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Meyer

Poch + Zänker GmbH
Nonnenrain 3
99096 Erfurt

Tel.: +49 (0) 361/3 40 58 10
Fax: +49 (0) 361/3 40 58 11

E-Mail: poch-zaenker[at]

fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • cooperation in research projects project Easypure
  • member of the DWA | working group KA 10.3 "Wastewater of motorway service areas"  

education and working experience

  • 2001 - 2005 studies at Fachhochschule Gießen-Friedberg, Faculty of Civil Engineering, branch of study: Infrastructure Planning, degree: Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
  • 2005 - 2007 studies at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, branch of study: Infrastructure and Environment, degree: Master of Science
  • Okt. 2007 - Sept. 2013 faculty member of the department of environmental and sanitary engineering

Dr.-Ing. Christian Bruski

Stadt Oberhausen
Bereich Gesundheitswesen
Tannenbergstr. 11-13
46045 Oberhausen

Tel.: +49 (0) 208/825 2452
Fax: +49 (0) 208/825 5330

E-Mail: christian.bruski[at]

Aufgabenbereiche an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft

  • Mitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt:
    Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM) in Zentralasien: Modellregion Mongolei - Phase II (MoMo2)
    Verantwortlich für das Arbeitspaket:
    "Zentrale anaerobe Behandlung von Fäkalien aus Gersiedlungen und Überschussschlamm mit Hilfe einer Biogasanlage"
    Der besondere Forschungsschwerpunkt lag in der saisonalen Co-Vergärung unter extremen klimatischen Bedingungen.

Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang

Dipl.-Ing. Julia Alexeeva-Steiniger

Abwasserzweckverband Oberer Lober
Delitzscher Straße 28
DE-04519 Rackwitz OT Zschortau

E-Mail: azv-oberer_lober[at]


fields of activities at Bauhaus-Univerität Weimar

  • processing of research projects
  • project NARUBI

education and working experience

  • 1998 - 2005 studies at the Technischen Universität Dresden, field of water resources, branch of study: environmental and industral water supply and distribution; Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur for water management
  • 2006 - 2003 staff member of the Ingenieurbüro Wasser und Boden GmbH
  • Okt. 2007 - Mrz. 2013 faculty member of the chair of urban water management & sanitation at the Bauhaus University Weimar

personal facts

  • born in Wolgograd/Russia in 1975
  • married, two children
  • Hobbies: cooking, sewing

Drl.-Ing. Jan Sievers

Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Wasserwirtschaft einschl. anlagenbezogener Umweltschutz

Lipperoder Str. 8
59555 Lippstadt

phone: +49 (0) 2931 82 5827
E-Mail: janchristian.sievers(at)


fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • Research Project KREIS: coupling renewable energy generation with resource orientated sanitation

education and working experiences

  • Studies at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, field of environmental and process engineering, branch of study: environmental engineering, degree: Diplom-Ingenieur
  • Project engineer at Kommunal- und Abwasserberatung NRW GmbH, consulting services for municipalities and their associated companies with a focus on wastewater
  • March 2012 - December 2014 research assistance at chair of urban water management & sanitation of Bauhaus University Weimar

Dr.-Ing. Susanne Veser

Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH

Distelfeldstr. 15
71229 Leonberg

Tel.: +49 (0) 7152 331109-2
Fax: +49 7152 331109-1


fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 

  • Processing the research project EvaSENS
    The aim of the project EvaSENS is to develop further integrated solutions for the renovation of the line inventory of the building stock to integrate New Alternative Sanitation Systems (NASS).

education and working experiences

personal facts

  • hobbies: dancing (ballroom dancing), hiking, jogging, yoga

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stäudel

fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 

  • project officer in the MoMo2 IWRM project: responsible for the working package „sanitation in ger settlements in Darkhan, Mongolia“, thematic module „integrated urban water management“:
  • development of pipeline-unbound, resource-oriented and locally-adapted sanitation systems for urban areas including the exemplary implementation in the city of Darkhan, Mongolia – concepts, cost-benefit analysis, construction, operator model, monitoring and world-wide up-scaling of pipeline-unbound sanitation systems

education and working experience

  • graduation as civil engineer at the BUW; focus on water supply and sanitation management & solid waste management (2003)
  • since 2004: freelance consultant & project manager for international companies & NGOs, i.a. for Siemens, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Doctors without Borders (MSF)
  • consultant / employment in the field of development work with focus on waste management, sustainable solutions for wastewater and sanitation; i.a. for Otterwasser GmbH, COMPED, GTZ, iec ltd.
  • 2010 - 2016 faculty member of the chair of urban water management & sanitation at the Bauhaus University Weimar

personal facts

  • music playing and producing
  • cycling and sports
  • travelling, in particular to Asia
  • spirituality and Buddhism

Dipl.-Geographin Grit Rost

Thüringer Landesamt für Umwelt, Bergbau und Naturschutz
Referat 44 Gewässerunterhaltung
Göschwitzer Straße 41

07745 Jena



fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • Processing current research projects:
  • IWRM in model region Mongolia - Phase II (MoMo2)
  • Responsible for working package:
  • Development of a inter disciplinary management approach as a toolbox model for planning and realizing urban qwater management issues - River Catchment Kharaa (Mongolia)


education and working experience

  • Graduation as Geographer at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Department for Geoinformatics, Geohydrology and Modelling
  • Working at JENA-GEOS® - engineering consultant GmbH, Department for Environment and Soil, GIS-work, Research - Projekt at the Department "deposits", "Soil Geology and landuse planning"
  • Since September 2011 to October 2015 faculty member of the chair of urban water management and sanitation at the Bauhaus University Weimar


personal facts

  • born in Karl-Marx-Stadt in1981
  • married since 2009 , two children
  • Hobbies: sewing, Pinhole Camera

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Büttner

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Junior-Professur Urban Energy System

Coudraystraße 7, Zimmer 207
99423 Weimar

Tel.: +49 (0) 3643/58 46 22
Fax: +49 (0) 3643/58 46 37
E-Mail: sebastian.buettner[at]

Aufgabenbereiche an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • Mitarbeit in der Lehre bei der Kursentwicklung und -betreuung des Weiterbildenden Studium "Wasser & Umwelt"
  • Mitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt: NASS BDZ "Qualifizierung und Vernetzung von Fachleuten im Bereich zukunftsfähiger Siedlungswasserwirtschaft"
  • Mitarbeit in der Studiengangsentwicklung Zero Emission  im Projekt Bauhaus Professional Studium
  • Mitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt: Zwanzig20 – HYPOS – LocalHy - Dezentrale Wasserelektrolyse mit kombinierter Wasserstoff- und Sauerstoffnutzung aus erneuerbarer Energie

Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang

  • 1998 - 2002 Studium der Energietechnik an der HTWK Leipzig;
  • Abschluss als Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Energie- und versorgungstechnik
  • 2002 - 2006 Studium der Umwelttechnik an der TU Dresden;
  • Abschluss als Dipl.-Umwelttechniker
  • 2006 - 2007 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Dresdner Grundwasserforschungszentrum e.V.
  • 2007 - 2010 Projektingenieur bei der IBU-tec advanced materials AG in Weimar
  • 2010 - 2015 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beim Weiterbildenden Studium "Wasser & Umwelt" an der Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft
  • seit 2015 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Junior-Professur Urban Energy System

Susanne Scharf M.Sc.






Aufgabenbereiche an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar    

  • Mitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt: TWIST++ „Transitionswege WasserInfraSTruktursysteme: Anpassung an neue Herausforderungen im städtischen und ländlichen Raum“

Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang

  • 08/2013 - 06/2016 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
  • 10/2010 - 07/2013 Studium der Umweltingenieurwissenschaften an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Abschluss Master of Science
  • Titel der Abschlussarbeit: "Fouling und Grauwasser - Lösungsansätze für die kleinmaßstäbliche Anwendung"
  • 08/2011 - 06/2012 2 Semester Auslandstudium an der NTNU-Norwegian University of Scoience and Technology, Faculty of engineering science and technology, department of hydraulic and environmental engineering
  • 09/2007 - 09/2010 Geographiestudium an der Universität Leipzig, Fakultät Physik und Geowissenschaften, Abschluss Bachelor of Science
  • Titel der Abschlussarbeit: "Potentialanalyse zu erneuerbaren Energien am Beispiel vom Kyffhäuserkreis"

Dr.-Ing. Ganbaatar Khurelbaatar

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH –UFZ
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig
phone: +49 (0) 341/23 51 026
fax: +49 (0) 341/23 51 830
e-mail: ganbaatar.khurelbaatar[at]



  • Mitarbeiter im Forschungsprojekt: Integrated Wasserresourcen-Management (IWRM) in Zentralasien MoMo2

Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang


  • geboren 1987 in Mandal soum Mongolei
  • verheiratet seit 2010, eine Tochter

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Hartmann


Stadtverwaltung Erfurt
Umwelt- und Naturschutzamt

Stauffenbergallee 18
99085 Erfurt


fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • cooperation with courses
  • main focus: surface water cultivation; alternative wastewater concepts; sewage sludge treatment and disposal
  • processing current research projects:
  • Project ENTPAK: recycling of phosphorus; reclamation of industrial/ agricultural recycable utilizable phosphorus compounds from wastewater and sewage sludge
  • Project KOMPEX: development and testing of a method to reduce remnants of wastewater treatment in local areas
  • Projekt SEEL: Stocktaking and proposals for wastewater disposal of touristic destinations in exposed locations in Thuringia

education and working experience

  • studies at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, field of civil engineering, branch of study: environmental technology
  • April 2003 - October 2016 faculty member of the department of environmental and sanitary engineering



Dipl.-Ing. Stephanie Klein

fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar  

  • cooperation in current research projects, in particular:
    "Joint German South African Young Scientist Workshop on
    Sustainable Resource Based Sanitation and Organic Waste Utilisation"
    "Coupling renewable energy generation with resource orientated sanitation"
    "Development of a new sewage treatment system with natural aeration" (Easypure)
  • teaching assistance

education and working experiences

  • Studies of waste management engineering at RWTH Aachen University, degree: Diplom-Ingenieur
  • Industrial diploma thesis at Chair of Environmental Engineering of RWTH Aachen University: "Development and evaluation of procedural alternatives in order to optimize the wastewater treatment plant in Arzamas, Russia"
  • Project engineer at CBM GmbH, focus on job safety and health protection
  • Dezember 2011 - April 2017 research assistance at chair of urban water management & sanitation of Bauhaus University Weimar

personal facts

  • born in Düsseldorf in 1980

Kirsten Maier M.Sc.

fields of activities      

  • Research Project : TWIST++ „Intelligent transition approaches for water infrastructure systems in urban and rural areas
  • research project NoLA: “Reorganisation of rural sewage disposal”

education and working experience

    • 2007 - 2013 studies of “Infrastruktur und Umwelt” (B.Sc.) and Environmental Engineering Sciences (M.Sc.) at the Bauhaus University Weimar
    • 2011/2012 studies abroad at the University of Padova
    • 2013 graduation as environmental engineer at the BUW; focus on urban water management
    • July 2013 - June 2019 faculty member of the chair of urban water management & sanitation at the Bauhaus University Weimar

      personal facts

      • born 1986 in Geislingen an der Steige

      Winfried Großmann

      field of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

      • construction and maintenance of test facilities
      • supervision of ongoing experiments
      • sampling by order of a third party
      • operation and maintenance of small sewage works

      education and working experience

      • skilled worker for welding technology
      • accredited expert for the maintenance of small sewage works

      Johanna Scharf

      fields of activities at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

      • wastewater and sewage sludge tests as well as for own research projects as by order of a third party
      • support of tests within the laboratory standards

      education and working experience

      • 1966 completion 10th grade
      • 1966 until 1968 apprenticeship chemical laboratory worker
      • 1968 until 1971 occupation as laboratory worker in the pulp and paper factory "Rosenthal" in Blankenstein
      • since 1971 chemical laboratory worker at the Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar, field of chemistry
      • 1992 - Febr. 2014 laboratory assistent of the chair of environmental and sanitary engineering

      personal facts

      • born in Blankenstein (Thuringia) in 1949
      • married, one child