Simulations for multi-level Analysis of interactions in Tunnelling based on Building Information Modelling (SATBIM)
With increasing urbanization and mobility, the need for underground facilities and consequently efficient and safe design and construction techniques grows. The goal of the SATBIM project is to develop a multi-level simulation model for tunnel-structure interaction integrated in the framework of Building Information Modelling to support engineering decisions during the project life cycle and to allow for the evaluation and minimization of risks on the existing infrastructure. SATBIM is an integrated platform for structural analysis, visualisation and optimization of the mechanized tunnelling process from early stages of the design over to the construction and the operation phase. The complete concept will be validated using industrial data with reference to a real tunnel project. The output will have wide implication on technology with expected high academic and industrial impact.
Ninic, Jelena; Alsahly, Abdullah; Vonthron, Andre; Bui, Hoang-Giang; Koch, Christian; König, Markus; Meschke, Günther (2021). From digital models to numerical analysis for mechanised tunnelling: A fully automated design-through-analysis workflow. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 107, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2020.103622
Ninić, Jelena; Koch, Christian; Vonthron, Andre; Tizani, Walid; König, Markus (2020). Integrated parametric multi-level information and numerical modelling of mechanised tunnelling projects. Advanced Engineering Informatics 43.
Ninic, Jelena; Koch, Christian; Tizani, Walid (2018). Meta Models for Real-Time Design Assessment Within an Integrated Information and Numerical Modelling Framework. In: Advanced Computing Strategies for Engineering, Proc. of the 25th EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. Lausanne. Switzerland.
Ninic, Jelena; Koch, Christian; Stascheit, Janosch (2017). An integrated platform for design and numerical analysis of shield tunnelling processes on different levels of detail. Advances in Engineering Software 112 165-179.
Ninic, Jelena; Koch, Christian (2017). Parametric multi-level tunnel modelling for design support and numerical analysis. In: Proc. of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering - EURO:TUN 2017. Innsbruck. Austria.
Ninic, Jelena; Koch, Christian; Tizani, Walid (2017). Parametric information modelling of mechanised tunnelling projects for multi-level decision support. In: Proc. of the 24th EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. Nottingham. United Kingdom.
Ninic, Jelena; Koch, Christian; Freitag, Steffen; Meschke, Guenther; Koenig, Markus (2014). Simulation-based numerical steering for mechanized tunneling using real Wehrhahn-Linie project data. In: Proc. of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI). Barcelone. Spain.