Thomas Vogl

Wichtiger Hinweis: Thomas Vogl ist seit dem 01.08.2024 nicht mehr an der Professur IWM tätig

  • Thomas Vogl ist zum 01.08.2024 an die Delft University of Technology gewechselt und nicht mehr als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur Infrastrukturwirtschaft und -management (IWM) an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar tätig.
  • Seit dem 01.08.2024 wird diese Website nicht mehr aktualisiert.
  • Informationen zum aktuellen Arbeitgeber und zu aktuellen Kontaktdaten von Thomas Vogl können Sie ggf. der (Übersichts-)Seite "Ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen" auf dieser Website entnehmen.

Kontakt und Sprechstunde

Besucheradresse / Vistiting adress:
Professur Infrastrukturwirtschaft und -management (IWM)
Marienstraße 7A
Raum 101 - 103

Postanschrift / Postal address:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Professur Infrastrukturwirtschaft und -management (IWM)
Marienstraße 7A
99423 Weimar 

Tel:  +49 (0)3643-58-4543

E-Mail:  thomas.vogl[at]


  • In der Vorlesungszeit: nach Absprache per E-Mail oder Telefon
  • In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit: nach Absprache per E-Mail  oder Telefon

Curriculum Vitae

Stand: 2022/09

  • Seit 2022/04: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur Infrastrukturwirtschaft und -management (IWM) an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
  • 2019/12 – 2022/03: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur Immobilienwirtschaft und –management an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, davon Forschungsaufenthalte an der Jagiellonian University Krakow (Polen), Eindhoven University of Technology (Niederlande)
  • 2018/11 – 2019/12: Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Internationale Beziehungen, Cooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar gGmbH, Berlin/Weimar
  • 2015/09 – 2018/05: Studium Management Bau, Immobilien, Infrastruktur (Master of Science) an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, davon ein Auslandssemester an der Mackenzie University Sao Paulo, Brasilien (weitere Auslandsaufenthalte: Stanford University, USA; Moscow State University, Russland; Politecnico di Milano, Italien)
  • 2014/07 – 2015/03: Praktikum/Freier Mitarbeiter KPMG WPG AG, Deal Advisory/Corporate Finance Real Estate, München
  • 2014/01 – 2014/06: Praktikum PriceWaterhouseCoopers WPG GmbH, Real Estate Transaction & Evaluation, Berlin
  • 2013/03 – 2013/09: Praktikum Goldman&Sachs (Archon Group), Real Estate Portfoliomanagement, München


  • Corporate Real Estate Management
  • Workplace Management (New working -, Coworking Spaces)
  • (ESG) Nachhaltiges Immobilienmanagement

Publikationen / wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Stand: 2024/05

  • Vogl, T. / Orel, M. (2024): The promise and perils of coworking in residential areas: a systematic review of health and community impacts. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. (
  • Vogl, T. / Orel, M. / Appel-Meulenbroek, R. (2024): Exploring the characteristics of non-urban coworking spaces in Germany and their perceived benefits for corporate users: novel means for supporting corporate real estate management strategies. Journal of European Real Estate Research. (
  • Vogl, T. / Sinitsyna, A. / Micek, G. (2024): Location factors of new working spaces in Europe – systematic literature review. In: Mariotti, I., Tomaz, E., Micek, G., Mendez-Ortega, C. (eds) Evolution of New Working Spaces: changing nature and geographies, SpringerBrief. (
  • Vogl, T. / Orel, M. (2023): Comparing the influence of cultural values on workspace perceptions of German and Turkish knowledge workers. In: EuroFM 2023 Proceedings. Istanbul, 09.11.2023 – 10.11.2023. Istanbul : European Facility Management Network EuroFM, 2023, p. 72–85. (
  • Hölzel, M. / Vogl, T. (2023): Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Remote Working and Coworking Spaces in Germany—Narrative Literature Analyses. In: Akhavan, M., Hölzel, M., Leducq, D. (eds) European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology(). Springer, Cham. (
  • Vogl, T. / Da Silva, F. / Vaghjipurwala, H. (2023): Housing prices as location determinants of Coworking Spaces in non-urban areas – a comparative approach between UK and Germany, Proceedings ERES European Real Estate Society (ERES) 2023, 14. July 2023, London/UK, (
  • Vogl, T. / Micek, G. (2023): Hybrid Coworking Space Models and Tourism: Work-leisure concepts in peripheral areas in Germany. Studying the Relationship between the Accommodation Industry and Coworking Spaces; World Leisure Journal (
  • Vogl, T. / Micek, G. (2022): Why are they going to peripheries? Studying the relations between real estate market and coworking spaces in peripheral areas of Germany; Journal of Property Investment and Finance, Emerald (
  • Vogl, T. / Akhavan, M. (2022): Systematic literature review of the effects of Coworking Spaces on the socio-cultural and economic conditions in peripheral and rural areas, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, Emerald (
  • Vogl, T. / Micek, G. / Bargstädt, H.-J. (2022): A systematic literature review of the effects of Coworking Spaces on residential areas and their potential for implementations in existing buildings, Proceedings Transdisciplinary Workplace Research 2022, 7-10 September 2022, Mailand/Italien, 78 – 88.
  • Vogl, T. / Micek, G. / Bargstädt, H.-J. (2022): Analysis of Coworking Spaces in Germany – A real estate perspective; Proceedings Pacific-Rim Real Estate Society 2022, 19. Januar 2022, Sydney/Australia, (Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) Home Page).
  • Vogl, T. (2021): Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on future workplaces, CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium, 13-14 Juli 2021, London/UK, (
  • Bargstädt, H.-J. / Vogl, T. (2020): Cultural values and its influence on future workplaces, Proceedings Transdisciplinary Workplace Research 2020, 16-19 September 2020, Frankfurt a. M., 439 - 446.


  • Vogl, T. (2024/06/28): A Cross-national Comparison of the Workplace Environment – A Case Study of Germany, Spain and Ethiopia, 30th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES Annual Conference), Housing, Gdansk/Poland.
  • Vogl, T. (2023/11/10): Comparing the influence of cultural values on the physical work environment of German and Turkish knowledge workers, 28th EuroFM Facility Management Conference & 22nd EuroFM Research Symposium (EuroFM Annual Conference), Corporate Real Estate & Workplace Management, Istanbul/Turkey.
  • Vogl, T. (2023/07/14): Housing prices as location determinants of Coworking Spaces in non-urban areas – a comparative approach between UK and Germany, 29th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES Annual Conference), Housing, London/England.
  • Vogl, T. (2022/12/08): The emerge of Coworking Spaces in non-urban areas, Coworking Space Symposium & European Workshop, Prag/Tschechien.
  • Vogl, T. (2022/10/18): Soziokulturelle und ökonomische Effekte von Coworking Spaces auf den ländlichen Raum, Netzwerktreffen, German Coworking Federation, Berlin.
  • Vogl, T. (2022/09/08): A systematic literature review of the effects of Coworking Spaces on residential areas and their potential for implementations in existing buildings, Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference, Geography of New Working Spaces, Mailand/Italien.
  • Vogl, T. (2022/06/22): The impact of Coworking spaces on peripheral real estate markets – a case study of Germany, 28th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES Annual Conference), Ph.D. Workshop/Sessions, Mailand/Italien.
  • Vogl, T. (2022/02/14): The effects of Coworking Spaces on peripheral real estate markets; COST Action CA 18214 “The geography of new working spaces and the impact on the periphery”, Direct and indirect effects of new working spaces, Mailand/Italien.
  • Vogl, T. (2022/01/19): Analysis of Coworking Spaces in Germany – A real estate perspective; 28th Annual Pacific-Rim Real Estate Society Conference (PREES Annual Conference), Property Management, Sydney/Australien.
  • Vogl, T. (2021/07/03): Infection-resistant offices - An analysis of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on office buildings and their markets, 27th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES Annual Conference), Ph.D. Workshop/Sessions, Kaiserslautern. 
  • Vogl, T. (2021/07/14): Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on future workplaces, CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium, Understanding and meeting the challenges for future buildings, London/UK, 
  • Vogl, T. (2020/09/18): Cultural values and its influence on future workplaces, Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference, Quality of office spaces, Frankfurt a. M.


Aktuelle Projekte

  • COST CA18214 – The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery
    • Mittelgeber: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
    • Projektpartner: U. a. Politecnico di Milano, (Prof. Dr. Illaria Mariotti; Prof. Dr. Carolina Pacchi), Jagiellonian University Krakow (Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Micek), Israel Institute of Technology (Prof. Dr. Amnon Frenkel), Utrecht University (Prof. Dr. Veronique Schultjens), University of Leipzig (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lange), Istanbul Technical University (Prof. Dr. Tüzin Baycan), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Prof. Dr. Hans Westlund)
    • Laufzeit: 2019/10 – 2023/09


Aktuell angebotene und betreute Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Asset Management (Extern)
  • CREM/PREM (Extern)
  • Immobilienprojekt

In der Vergangenheit angebotene und betreute Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Future Workspace (bis SoSe 2020)
  • Valuation Real Estate (Extern)
  • Tax Issues in Built Environments (Extern)
  • Investition, Finanzierung und Unternehmenssteuerung (Übung)
  • Bauhaus Modul: Market Ready Sustainable Interior Design (M-SiD)
  • Immobilienprojekt
  • Bachelorprojekt

Betreuung von Studien- und Abschlussarbeiten

Grundsätzlich betreue ich Studien- und Abschlussarbeiten (Bachelorarbeiten, Masterarbeiten) sowie Seminararbeiten im Umfeld meiner Forschungsschwerpunkte. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich, um ein individuell passendes Thema abzustimmen. Gerne können auch eigene Themenvorschläge eingebracht werden.