
Please note:

The following archived websites of the former "Knowledge Centre @ Weimar" have no longer been maintained and updated since March 31, 2019.
"Knowledge Center @ Weimar" was part of the Chair of Construction Economics, which was active until March 31, 2019.


Published: 16 December 2014

Case Study Competition on Smart Cities

Organisational Models for Water Infrastructure

The Knowledge Centre @ Weimar provides an international Case Study Competition (CSC). The goal is to develop an organisational model for a public authority to implement smart city elements of water infrastructure into its daily business. 

Students should analyse the situation of today's infrastructure in one urban setting. They should identify current problems and challenges. In the next step they should develop ideas how to implement smart water systems by focusing on possible organisational models.

The students gain insights to current research projects at KC@W and learn how to work in an international and interdisciplinary team. The teams (consisting of five students) work on the project for about three months (April to June 2015)

For further information and details check the CSC brochure.



Students interested in participation should submit:

  • Resume
  • Letter of Motivation (max. 400 words)
  • if available: Certificates (Grades, Language-Certificate)

Application deadline is 31st January 2015. Please send your documents to Andrea.lueck[at] Confirmation of acceptance into the programme will be provided by the organizing committee by end of February 2015.

In case of any questions contact Andrea Lück.