
Please note:

The following archived websites of the former "Knowledge Centre @ Weimar" have no longer been maintained and updated since March 31, 2019.
"Knowledge Center @ Weimar" was part of the Chair of Construction Economics, which was active until March 31, 2019.


Published: 06 February 2012

We Welcome our new ERASMUS Partner Universities

University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)

Fields of Research and Teaching in the KCW:

  • PPP in Transport
  • Smart Cities and Infrastructure


Istanbul Technical University ITU

Fields of Research and Teaching in the KCW:

  • Real Estate Management
  • Location theory
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Price forecasting
  • Real Estate
  • Urban Economics
  • Urban Studies

Cracow University of Economics

Fields of Research and Teaching in the KCW:

  • Economics and International Relations
  • Real Estate and Investment Process Economics Department



Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid

Fields of Research and Teaching in the KCW:

  • Business Studies