AWind is a MATLAB-based integrated platform for dynamic and aeroelastic analyses of structures. The code was developed by Igor Kavrakov as a part of his on-going PhD project, supervised by Prof. Dr. Guido Morgenthal. The principal objective of the code is to enable computation of flutter and buffeting analyses of long-span bridges by utilizing a multitude of aerodynamic models.

VXflow is flow a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver that enables simulation of complicated aerodynamic behavior of bluff bodies and aeroelastic phenomena such as vortex-induced vibrations, flutter galloping occurring during fluid-structure interaction.
Software data sheet

OptiFEM is a software framework for physically and geometrically nonlinear structural analysis using mathematical optimization methods, first written in MATLAB and later ported to Python. With the help of OptiFEM, earlier models developed at the department for the use of optimization tasks in the structural analysis of composite structures will be taken up and improved.
Software data sheet

RasPyre is a Raspberry Pi based Software Framework for the application in Structural Health Monitoring. A variety of sensor hardware can be rapidly incorporated and controlled. The integrated WiFi mesh configuration enables users to set up an ad-hoc wireless sensor network.
Software data sheet | Git-Repository | Documentation
Mosaic is an Android application written in Java for performing, processing and documentation of vibration measurements on structures accessing the built-in accelerometer of the device. The application includes an extensive signal analysis tool set to get meaningful result immediately after the performed measurement.