The Chair of Resource Management is dedicated to the sustainable management of organic resources. Thus, the development of innovative circular systems – taking into account differing infrastructural, cultural as well as socio-economic framework conditions – is an integral part of our teaching and research. In addition, an approach firmly anchored in the Bauhaus Institute for Infrastructure Solutions (b.is) is that elements of waste, water, energy and transport infrastructure must be thought together to enable synergies and achieve sustainability. Thus, we work closely with the colleagues of the four other b.is professorships to develop innovative concepts at the intersections of urban infrastructure systems.
In addition to teaching basic knowledge in lectures, seminars and workshops, we enable our students to gain first insights into practice and valuable experience in an international context through interdisciplinary excursions and cooperation in various research projects in Europe, Asia and Africa. Please also have a look at the videos below about the Bachelor and Master program in Environmental Engineering at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, B. Sc.
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Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, M.Sc.
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