Scholarship holders and external PhD canditates

Alexander Klisch, M.Sc.
Wasserverband "Südharz"

Arbeitstitel: "Stoffstrommanagement pyrolysierter Klärschlämme und Leistungsvergleich der Elimination organischer Spurenstoffe"

Duangkaew Tawee, M.Sc.

Arbeitstitel: "Reduction of Plastic Waste in Thailand by implementing Drinking Water Supply in Rural Areas“


Thulasi Ajith, M.Sc.
Promotions-Stipendiatin der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

"Integrated Resource Oriented Sanitation Solutions for Urban Cities in Southern India: Transition Process Approach"

Dr.-Ing. Aries Romallosa
Central Philippine University, Appropriate Technology Center

"Briquette production by the informal Sector: The case of UCLA in Iloilo City, Philippines"

Dr.-Ing. Richard Arthur
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Department of Biotechnology

"Anaerobic Degradation of Agricultural Residues with High Fibre Contents"

Dr.-Ing. Yang Liu

"Energy Production from Biomass with the E-M-F-System"