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Millions in funding for >>Bauhaus.MobilityLab<<: Concept for the real laboratory of the future convinces at KI innovation competition

From spring 2020, innovative products and services in the fields of mobility, logistics and energy will be developed and tested under real conditions in Erfurt, the capital of Thuringia, with the aid of artificial intelligence. An interdisciplinary consortium led by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the bauhaus-Universität Weimar and INNOMAN GmbH has successfully participated in the >>KI-Innovationswettbewerb<< of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. With a project volume of around 20 million euros, the >>Bauhaus.MobilityLab<< is to become a beacon of mobility and energy revolution over the next three years.

Job Offer Student/Research Assistant

The Chair for Transport System Planning is offering a position, starting Nov. 2019, for a Student/Research Assistant
for tasks related to non-degree study programme „Sustainable Transportation Planning“ with ca. 10 working hours per month (according to agreement).

Excursion of the Faculty of Civil Engineering to Hamburg

Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering spent four informative days in and around Hamburg. On the excursion organized by, they gained insights into the practice of recycling management, urban development in HafenCity, resources and energy use.

24th Workshop "City & Traffic" in Krakow, Poland

From 07th until 13th July 2019 the Chair of Traffic System Planning participated again in the international workshop "City & Traffic", which took place this year at its 24th edition in Krakow (Poland).

Start of a new course for road safety auditors

On 24 June 2019, this year's certificate course for road safety auditors for motorways, rural roads and through roads was started. It is organized by the Chair of Traffic System Planning and the Bauhaus Further Education Academy.

Conference “Practical Issues of Road Safety” in Lagów, Poland

On 6th and 7th June 2019 the 4th Conference “Practical Issues of Road Safety” took place in Lagów (Poland). Mr Johannes Vogel as representative of the Chair of Transport System Planning held a presentation about “Traffic accidents as a result of deficits in planning and design in urban areas” and also received a letter of honor on behalf of the former head of the chair, Mr Ulrich Brannolte.

Training for road safety auditors in Zielona Góra, Poland

On May 11 and 12, the two assistants of the Chair, Dipl.-Ing. Raimo Harder and M. Sc. Johannes Vogel, were invited to Zielona Góra in Poland to support their colleagues from Uniwersytet Zielonogórski in the training of road safety auditors and to intensify the exchange of experiences between Poland and Germany in the field of road safety work.

Bachelor's thesis defense

On April 4, the defense of a Bachelor's thesis in the field of urbanism is taking place at the Chair of Transport System Planning. The thesis is titeld: "Die Superblocks in Barcelona als Teil einer übergeordneten Klimaschutzstrategie" ("Superblocks in Barcelona as a part of a greate clima protection strategy"). All interested are invited to attend. The defense will take place in German.

Marienstr. 13C, room 305

FGSV-Symposium "Road Safety with Auditor's Forum"

On March 18th and 19th this year's "Symposium for Road Safety with Auditor's Forum" took place at Bauhaus Universität Weimar, which was attended by more than 220 participants. At the annual conference, current research results in the field of traffic safety are presented and discussed together. The event is primarily aimed at road safety auditors.

© VSVI Thüringen

Presentation at the VSVI Seminar "Promotion of bicycle traffic in Thuringia"

On 21 February 2019, the VSVI seminar "Promotion of bicycle traffic in Thuringia" took place in Erfurt. In addition to other speakers, the member of the Chair of Traffic System Planning, Mr. Johannes Vogel, gave a presentation on the guidance of bicycle traffic at local entrances. The event was organized and moderated by Mr. Raimo Harder, member of the Chair of Traffic System Planning, and Ms. Anne Bellmann, traffic planner of the city of Weimar.

Ab sofort können Studierende den Fahrradlastenanhänger in der Fahrradwerkstatt kostenfrei ausleihen. (Foto: Marco von der Heyden)

»bauhaus.mobil«: Studierende realisieren nachhaltige Verkehrsprojekte für Campus und Stadt

Wie kann Klimaschutz im Stadtverkehr und auf dem Campus der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar umgesetzt werden? Mit dieser Fragestellung setzten sich 21 Studierende im Rahmen des »Bauhaus.Semesters« auseinander. Unter fachlicher Anleitung der Masterstudierenden Lena Klopfstein und Maximilian Wunsch entstanden acht Mobilitätskonzepte, welche nun nach und nach umgesetzt werden.

Presentations at international conference on road safety in Vilnius

On 5th and 6th December, 2018 the international conference "Vision Zero for Sustainable Road Safety in Baltic Sea Region" took place in Vilnius (Lithuania). The conference, in which high-ranking experts and politicians participated, was also attended by the two employees of the Chair of Traffic System Planning, Dipl.-Ing. Julius Uhlmann and MSc Johannes Vogel, who presented findings from traffic safety work.

Presentations at the VSVI seminar about traffic safety

On November 21st, the VSVI seminar "Traffic Safety of Roads" took place in Erfurt. In addition to the police Weimar and other road safety experts, the members of the Chair of Transport System Planning, Mr Raimo Harder and Mr Johannes Vogel also spoke.