Latest news

Excursion to Copenhagen

From October 31 to November 3, 32 students and 8 staff members of the Chair of Transport System Planning went on an excursion to Copenhagen. The trip took place in the course of the lecture "International Case Studies". The programme included a guided bike tour and meetings with the Danish Railway Administration (Banedanmark) and the City of Copenhagen.

Reliability and Statistics in Transportation - Conference RelStat 2018

What consequences could transport integration have? How can measures of transport integration benefit the public transport system? Those questions were discussed by Dipl.-Ing. Julius Uhlmann in his presentation at the conference "Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication" in Riga.

Simulating traffic and the environment - 30. Forum Bauinformatik

How will a Green Wave affect traffic quality? Will a more frequent public transport help reduce particulate matter emissions? M.Sc Fedior and M.Sc. Hamel wants to know how traffic management measures affect transport and the environment before the implementation. At the conference "30. Forum Bauinformatik" they presented a simulation environment for the evaluation of environmentally-oriented traffic management strategies.

Implementation of fare-free public transport in Tallinn - Guest lecture by Allan Alaküla on October 15, 2018

Fare-free public transport is a concept that has been discussed by the public many times. The Estonian capital Tallinn was the first European capital to implement a system of fare-free public transport for its inhabitants in 2013. Allan Alaküla from the City of Tallinn will join us for the first guest lecture in the module “International Case Studies” and present Tallinn’s approach and its effects. All interested are invited.

SCHOOL Milestone meeting in Frankfurt am Main

Calculating traffic-related emissions: Prof. Plank-Wiedenbeck, Marco Fedior and Wido Hamel present evaluation framework for traffic and environmental impact control at the first milestone meeting of the SCHOOL project - Change of strategy through Open Data-oriented solutions.
At the meeting of the project partners in Frankfurt am Main not only the previous work packages were presented, but by mutual feedback also the elaboration of the following work packages was concretized.

Excursion to the Railway Operation Laboratory of TU Dresden

On the 06/07/2018, a group of eleven students accompanied by two employees of the Chair Transport System Planning visited the Railway Operation Laboratory of Technical University Dresden. As part of a behind-the-scenes tour, Mr. Walerian Nesterenko, responsible for laboratory control and software development, gave the students an understanding of the basics of rail operations, process control technique as well as of the mode of operation of various signal box designs.

The Chair keeps growing

The Chair Transport System Planning welcomes the new research assistants M.Sc. Marco Fedior, M.Sc. Wido Hamel and Dipl.-Ing. Julius Uhlmann as part of the team.

Innovations in urban transportation sought-after. And found!

On the 07/06/2018, the ADAC foundation invited students to participate in the innovations workshop. The aim was the development and promotion of ideas for healthy city traffic in the future. The workshop was carried out in cooperation with TU Dresden. On the part of Bauhaus-Universität, three students took part in the workshop who will subsequently provide the reader with an insight into the day. Many thanks to Eva Bretsch, Fabiana Ferro and Anna Glindemann for their article!

Cycling in the city

From 09/06 to 29/06, employees and students of the Chair Transport System Planning are pedalling vigorously as part of the competition “Cycling in the city”. Under the team´s name of “Bike it like Bauhaus” daily kilometres by bike are collected in competition with other teams from Weimar. Additional passengers are highly welcome!

Innovations-Workshop für Studierende – TU Dresden & Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

GESUCHT werden Eure innovativen Ideen für einen gesunden Stadtverkehr bei dem Innovations-Workshop der ADAC Stiftung an der TU Dresden. BELOHNT werden die Teilnehmer mit einem professionelles Innovations-Coaching sowie 3 x 500 € Preisgeld für die besten Teams und die Chance auf Förderung eurer Studien-, Bachelor-, Master- oder Doktorarbeiten. BEWERBT Euch jetzt auf!

Start eines neuen Lehrgangs für Sicherheitsauditoren von Straßen

Am 09. April 2018 fiel der Startschuss für den diesjährigen Zertifikatslehrgang zum Sicherheitsauditor für Außerortsstraßen und Ortsdurchfahrten, welcher von der Professur Verkehrssystemplanung sowie der Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie (WBA) organisiert wird.

Symposium für Verkehrssicherheit von Straßen 2018

Am 19. und 20. März fand das diesjährige „Symposium Verkehrssicherheit von Straßen mit Auditorenforum“ an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar statt, an dem erneut über 200 Personen teilnahmen. Das Symposium wird jedes Jahr durchgeführt und richtet sich als Weiterbildungsveranstaltung vor allem an Sicherheitsauditoren von Straßen. Ebenso sind alle anderen Fachleute und Interessierte mit Bezug zur Verkehrsplanung sowie Studierende herzlich eingeladen, am Symposium teilzunehmen.