Books/proceedings as result of the learning activities and the successsful cooperation.
Penava D., Anić F., Abrahamczyk L., Guljaš I. (2018): International Elective Master of Science Course (IntElM) Nonlinear Analysis of Structures: Reinforced Concrete Frames with Masonry Infill Walls, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek, 2019 (ISBN 978-953-6962-57-0; link).
Vilceanu V., Abrahamczyk L., Morgenthal G. (2019): International Elective Master of Science Course (IntElM) Nonlinear Analysis of Structures: Wind Induced Vibrations, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2019): Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision - Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2017. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2019): Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision - Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2018. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2019): Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision - Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2019. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2019.
Ferreira M., Vila Real P., Lopes N. (2018): Contexto Legal de Segurança Contra Incêndios em Edifícios; University of Aveiro; ISBN: 978-989-20-8989-8; 58 p.
Publications of the participants as result of the participation in the learning activities and the successsful cooperation with the project partners.
Abrahamczyk L., Al Hanoun Mhd. H., Penava D., Schwarz J. (2019): Model Quality Assessment for RC Frames with URM Infill walls subjected to horizontal cyclic Loading. 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE 2019), June 17‐20, 2019, Quebec City.
Abrahamczyk L., Al Hanoun Mhd. H., Penava D., Schwarz J. (2019): Systematische Annäherung an das Verhalten von mauerwerksausgefachten Rahmentragwerken unter seismischen Einwirkungen. 16. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Sept. 26.-27., 2019, Innsbruck, Austria.
Al Hanoun Mhd. H., Abrahamczyk L., Penava D., Schwarz J. (2019): Effect of masonry mechanical and geometrical properties on the out-of-plane response of URM infill walls. 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019), Papadrakakis M., Fragiadakis M. (ed.). Hersonissos, Kreta, Grčka: Eccomas Proceedia, 2019. pp. 1-1.
Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2019): Computational evaluation of experimental methodologies of out-of-plane behavior of framed-walls with openings. Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 16(3), pp. 265-277, doi:10.12989/eas.2019.16.3.265 (link to researchgate).
Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2019): Experimental methods for out-of-plane earthquake resistance evaluation of infilled frames containing openings. Zbornik radova 9. susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Zbornik radova 9. susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku; Skozrit I., Tonković Z., Karšaj I., Jarak T., Lesičar T. (ed.), Zagreb, 2019. pp. 49-54 (in croatian).
Anić F., Penava D., Burilo D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2019): Comparison of experimental and analytically predicted out-of-plane behavior of framed- masonry walls containing openings. Proceedings of 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019); Papadrakakis M., Fragiadakis M. (ed.), Hersonissos, Kreta, Grčka: Eccomas Proceedia, 2019. pp. 1-8 (link to researchgate).
Arrais F., Lopes N., Vila Real P., Jandera M. (2019): Numerical modelling of cold formed steel members at elevated temperatures, SDSS 2019 – The international colloquium on stability and ductility of steel structures, Praga, República Checa, 11 a 13 de setembro de 2019 (link to google).
Arrais F., Lopes N., Vila Real P., Couto C. (2019): Behaviour of slender plates in case of fire of different stainless steel grades, SDSS 2019 – The international colloquium on stability and ductility of steel structures, Praga, República Checa, 11 a 13 de setembro de 2019 (link to google).
Arrais F., Lopes N., Vila Real P. (2019): Resistência ao fogo de colunas em aço inoxidável com secções circulares ocas, atas do 5º Cilasci - Congresso Ibero-Latino-Americano sobre Segurança contra Incêndio, pp. 423-434, ISBN: 978-989-97210-4-3, Porto, Portugal, 15 a 17 de julho de 2019.
Arrais F., Lopes N., Vila Real P., Couto C. (2019): Comportamento de placas esbeltas de aço inoxidável a temperaturas elevadas, atas do CMN 2019 - Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia (Conferência Ibérica), pp. 554-566, ISBN: 978-989-54496-0-6, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, 1 a 3 de julho de 2019.
Cerejeiras P., Kaehler U., Legatiuk A., Legatiuk D. (2019): Boundary values of discrete monogenic functions over bounded domains in R^3. Linear Systems, Signal Processing and Hypercomplex Analysis, edt. by D. Alpay and M. Vajiac, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 275, 2019, 140-165 (link).
Cerovečki A., Kraus I. (2019): Fundamental period and damping of experimentally tested reinforced-concrete building under different damage levels. Engineering review, Vol. 39(1), pp.105-114, doi:10.30765/er.39.1.11.
Couto C, Maia É, Vila Real P, Lopes N. (2019): Stability check of tapered steel beams in fire. J Struct Fire Eng. doi:10.1108/JSFE-01-2019-0002, 2019.
Ibanez S., Fitz T. & Smarsly K. (2019): A semantic model for wireless sensor networks in cognitive buildings. In: The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Atlanta, GA, USA, 17.06.2019 (link).
Kollár D., Kövesdi B. (2019): Welding simulation of corrugated web girders - Part 1: Effect of manufacturing on residual stresses and imperfections. Thin-Walled Structures (in press).
Kollár D., Kövesdi B. (2019): Welding simulation of corrugated web girders - Part 2: Effect of manufacturing on shear buckling resistance. Thin-Walled Structures 141, pp. 477–488,
Kollár D., Kövesdi B., Vigh L.G., Horváth S. (2019): Weld process model for simulating metal active gas welding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 102, pp. 2063–2083,
Kraus I., Džakić D., Papić J., Cerovečki A. (2019): The influence of foundation contact pressure on response spectrum-based design. Građevinar, (in press).
Lopes G.C., Vicente R., Ferreira T.M., & Azenha M. (2019): Intervened URM buildings with RC elements: typological characterisation and associated challenges. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17(9), pp. 4987-5019,
Lopes G.C., Vicente R., Ferreira T.M., & Azenha M. (2019): Desafios e direções de investigação na identificação e caracterização de tipologias de edifícios de alvenaria intervencionados com recurso a betão armado. Sísmica 2019 - 11º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal.
Mämpel S., Kraus M. (2019): Influence of Structural Detailing on the Stability Behaviour of Truss Girders. In: Proceedings of the Nordic Steel Construction Conference (Nordic Steel 2019, Kopenhagen), ce/papers 3, No. 3 & 4, pp. 847-852. (doi: 10.1002/cepa.1143).
Maia É., Vila Real P., Lopes N., Couto C. (2019): General Method for fire design of tapered steel columns - Influence of in-plane second-order effects. ASFE 2019 - Appl. Struct. Fire Eng., Singapore.
Maia É., Couto C., Vila Real P., Lopes N. (2019): Método geral para verificação da resistência ao fogo de colunas de inércia variável com secções transversais de classe 4 - Efeitos de segunda ordem no plano. CMN 2019 - Congr. Métodos Numéricos em Eng., Guimarães, Portugal.
Maia É., Couto C., Vila Real P., Lopes N. (2019): Influência da distribuição não uniforme de temperaturas no comportamento de vigas I sujeitas a temperaturas elevadas. CMN 2019 - Congr. Métodos Numéricos em Eng., Guimarães, Portugal.
Maia É., Couto C., Vila Real P., Lopes N. (2019): Método Geral para o dimensionamento ao fogo de colunas de inércia variável - Encurvadura para fora do plano. CILASCI 2019 - Congr. Ibero-Latino-Americano em Segurança contra Incêndio, Porto, Portugal.
Maia É., Couto C., Vila Real P., Lopes N. (2019): Fire design of class 4 tapered steel beams with the General Method. SDSS 2019 - Int. Colloq. Stab. Ductility Steel Struct., Prague, Czech Republic, (link to google).
Maia É., Vila Real P., Lopes N., Couto C. (2019): General Method for the fire design of tapered steel columns - Out-of-plane buckling curve. Nordic Steel 2019 - Nord. Steel Constr. Conf., Copenhagen, Denmark.
Maia É., Couto C., Vila Real P., Lopes N. (2019): Método Geral para verificação da resistência ao fogo de vigas de inércia variável com secções transversais de classe 4 (abstract submitted). XII CMM - XII Congr. Construção Metálica e Mista, Coimbra, Portugal.
Marchante P., Silva P., Velosa A., Moutinho S. (2019): Coatings in the conservation of built heritage with earth in Santiago do Chile. 5th Historic Mortars Conference, Universidade de Navarra, Pamplona, Espanha, 19-21 junho 2019.
Penava D., Anić F., Sarhosis V., Abrahamczyk L. (2019): Distribution of shear resistance among components of r. c. frames with masonry infill walls containing confined door and window openings. Proceedings of 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019) / Papadrakakis M., Fragiadakis M. (ed.). Hersonissos, Kreta, Grčka: Eccomas Proceedia, 2019. pp. 1-13 (link to researchgate).
Penava D., Pradhan B., Cavaleri L., Abrahamczyk L., Schwarz J., Sarhosis V. (2019): Macromodel for assessment of earthquake resistance of frame-wall structural system by considering the opening size, type and position. Zbornik radova 9. susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku; Skozrit I., Tonković Z., Karšaj I., Jarak T., Lesičar T. (ed.), Zagreb, 2019. pp. 249-256 (in croatian).
Pombo R., Figueiredo A., Rebelo F., Oliveira R., Vicente R., Castanho R. (2019): Passive House concept in Portugal: insights and challenges towards a sustainable development. Congresso Internacional Sustainable Development, Public Management and Territorial Governance, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Polónia, 28-31 maio 2019.
Sousa R., Pereira I. and Silva M.E. (…): Censored linear regression model with correlated errors, (to be submitted).
Abrahamczyk L., Jaouadi Z., Kähler U. and Legatiuk D. (2018): Methoden zur Identifikation von Zugvorbeifahrten aus kontinuierlichen Messdaten. Bautechnik 95(7), 2018, 485-492 (pdf-file).
Alalade M., Kafle B., Wuttke F., Lahmer T. (2018). Calibration of cyclic constitutive models by oscillating functions, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Vol. 3(2), pp. 146 - 157,
Alkam F., Pereira I., Lahmer T. (2018): Bayesian approach for solving ill-posed parameter identification problems for pre-stressed concrete poles, Construction and Building Materials, (Submitted).
Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2018): Simplified methodologies for out-of-plane resistance verification of framed-masonry walls. Young Scientist 2018, 10th International Scientific Conference of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tatranská Lomnica - Hotel Sorea Urán, April 26 - 27, 2018 (pdf-file).
Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2018): Pre-design of Experiment on Out-of-Plane Behaviour of Framed-Masonry Walls with Openings. In: 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 2nd – 7th Sept. 2018, Valletta-Malta (link).
Anić F., Penava D., Lozančić S., Sarhosis V., Abrahamczyk L. (2018): Computational Study on the Effects of Gravity Load on OoP Inter Storey Drift Approach of URM Infilled RC Frame. 9th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 18 - 22 Sept. 2018, Split, Croatia (link).
Anić F., Penava D., Guljaš I., Sarhosis V., Abrahamczyk L., Butenweg Ch. (2018): The Effect of Openings on Out-of-Plane Capacity of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering Solun: EAEE / ETAM, 2018. pp. 1-11 (link to researchgate).
Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2018): Simplified methodologies for out-of-plane resistance verification of framed-masonry walls. Young Scientist 2018, Kvočák V. (ed.), Tatranská Lomnica: Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2018. pp. 1-10 (pdf-file).
Anić F., Penava D., Legatiuk D., Abrahamczyk L., Kähler U. (2018): The Characteristics of 2D and 3D Modelling Approach in Calibration of Reinforced Concrete Frames Cyclic Behaviour. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Marović P., Krstulović-Opara L., Galić M. (ed.), Split: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2018. pp. 1-10 (proceedings, paper).
Anić F., Penava D., Lozančić S., Sarhosis V., Abrahamczyk L. (2018): Computational Study on the Effects of Gravity Load on OoP Inter Storey Drift Approach of URM Infilled RC Frame. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Marović P., Krstulović-Opara L., Galić M. (ed.), Split: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2018. pp. 1-16 (proceedings, paper).
Arrais F., Lopes N., Vila Real P. (2018): Nova proposta de cálculo para vigas-coluna em aço enformadas a frio em situação de incêndio, 6as Jornadas de Segurança aos Incêndios Urbanos (6JORNINC) e as 1as Jornadas de Proteção Civil (1JORPROCIV), Coimbra, Portugal, 29 e 30 de novembro de 2018.
Cerejeiras P., Kähler U., Legatiuk D. (2018): Finite element exterior calculus with script geometry. AIP Conference Proceedings - ICNAAM 2018.
Cerejeiras P., Kähler U., Legatiuk D. (2018): Interpolation of monogenic functions by using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, DOI: 10.1002/mma.5271.
Cerejeiras P., Kähler U., Legatiuk A., Legatiuk D. (2018): Boundary values of discrete monogenic functions over bounded domains in R3. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, (under review).
Cerejeiras P., Fu Y., Gomes N. (2018): Bicomplex signals with sparsity constraints (hdl://10773/24130), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science, 41 (13), 2018, 5140-5158.
Cerovečki A., Kraus I., Kövesdi B., Guljaš I. (2018): Prediction of the behavior of experimentally tested structure using the N2 method. 9th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 18-22 September 2018, Split, Croatia.
Cerovečki A., Kraus I., Morić D. (2018): N2 building design method. Građevinar 70(6), 509-518, doi:10.14256/JCE.2324.2018 (link).
Cerovečki A., Kraus I. (2018): Experimental research on soil structure interaction effects in N2 method. In Platko, P., Ondrejka Harbulakova, V., eds. Young Scientists 2018, Košice, Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Couto C., Maia É., Vila Real P., Lopes N. (2018): Stability check of tapered steel beams in fire. SiF 2018 - Structures in Fire, Belfast, United Kingdom: 2018, pp. 779–86.
Göbel L., Mucha F., Kavrakov I., Abrahamczyk L., Kraus M. (2018): Einfluss realer Materialeigenschaften auf numerische Modellvorhersagen: Fallstudie Betonmast. Bautechnik 95(2), pp. 111-121. (doi: 10.1002/bate.201600091, pdf-file)
Ibanez S., Dragos K. (2018): Quality indicators for embedded stochastic subspace identification algorithms in wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: 30. Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, 19.09.2018 (link).
Koren D., Kilar V., Rus K. (2018): A conceptual framework for the seismic resilience assessment of complex urban systems. V: 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering : 18-21 June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece. EAEE: Thessaloniki. 2018, str. 1-12.
Kraus I., Cerovečki A. (2018) Comparison of free-field and foundation input motions from experimentally tested built environments. ce/papers Special Issue: XVI DECGE 2018 Proceedings of the 16th Danube ‐ European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering / Jesse, Dirk (Ed.). Berlin: Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, 895-900, doi:10.1002/cepa.784.
Mämpel S., Kraus M. (2018): Zur Ermittlung von Stabilisierungskräften verbandsausgesteifter Fachwerkbindersysteme. Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbau, DASt-Kolloquium 2018, pp. 23-28. (ISBN 978-3-941687-27-1).
Perić A., Kraus I., Cerovečki A (2018): Simple off-the-shelf crack detector for small-scale centrifuge models. Bauhaus Summer School 2018, Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision, Weimar, 1-7.
Pombo R., Meireles I., Sousa V. (2018): Environmental benefits from water efficient taps. Ata da Conferência WatefCon 2018: Future of Water in Europe, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-7 setembro 2018 (link to researchgate).
Pombo R., Meireles I., Sousa V., Martín-Gamboa M. (2018): A sustainable bathroom solution – the environmental performance of an off-site and modular constructed product. Ata do 44º Simpósio Internacional CIB W062 - Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal, 28-30 agosto 2018.
Rodrigues F., Matos R., Alves A., Ribeirinho P., Rodrigues H. (2018): Building life cycle applied to refurbishment of a traditional building from Oporto, Portugal. Journal of Building Engineering Vol.17, pp. 84-95. ISSN: 23527102.
Rodrigues F., Matos R., Di Prizio M., Costa A. (2018): Conservation level of Residential Buildings: Methodology evolution. Construction and Building Materials Vol. 172, pp. 781-786. ISSN: 0950-0618; eISSN: 1879-0526. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.03.129 (link to researchgate).
Rodrigues F., Matos R., Costa A., Tavares A., Fonseca J., Alves A. (2018): Conservation level assessment - Application to a heritage building (2019). 10th International Scientific Conference Building Defects (Building Defects 2018). MATEC Web of Conferences 279, Paper 01002 (2019), pp 6 (link).
Rus K., Kilar V., Koren, D. (2018): Resilience assessment of complex urban systems to natural disasters : a new literature review. International journal of disaster risk reduction, ISSN 2212-4209, 2018, vol. 31, str. 311-330, graf. prikazi., doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.05.015.
Tan F., Lahmer T. (2018): Shape Optimization Based Design of Arch Type Dams under Uncertainties, Engineering Optimization Vol. 59(9), pp. 1470-1482 (link).
Abbas T., Kavrakov I., Morgenthal G. (2017): Methods for Flutter Stability Analysis of Long-span Bridges: A Review, Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering Vol. 170, pp. 271–310 (link).
Anić F., Penava D., Legatiuk D., Sarhosis V. (2017): Influence of variability in materials used on seismic response of masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames. In proceedings: 8th Assembly of Croatian Society of Mechanics. Penava D., Guljaš I., Bošnjak-Klečina M. (ed.), Osijek, Croatian Society of Mechanics.
Arrais F., Lopes N., Vila Real P. (2017): Resistência ao fogo de vigas-coluna enformadas a frio, atas do CMN 2017 - Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia (Conferência Ibérica), pp. 1799-1810, ISBN 978-84-947311-0-5, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Espanha, 3 a 5 de julho de 2017.
Burilo D., Penava D., Lahmer T., Kožar I. (2017): Design of experiment of masonry infilled reinforced concrete model structure under earthquake action. In proceedings: 8th Assembly of Croatian Society of Mechanics. Penava D., Guljaš I., Bošnjak-Klečina M. (ed.), Osijek, Croatian Society of Mechanics.
Cerejeiras P., Fonseca A., Vajiac M., Vieira N. (2017): Fischer decomposition in generalized fractional ternary Clifford analysis (hdl://10773/17747), Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 11(5), pp. 1077-1093.
Cerejeiras P., Fonseca A., Kähler U., Vieira N. (2017): Fischer decomposition in generalized fractional Clifford Analysis (hdl://10773/18684), F. Colombo, I. Sabadini, D.C. Struppa and M. Vajiac, Advances in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 37-53, Birkhäuser, Basel.
Hartmann S., Gomes N., Kaehler U. (2017): Compressed Sensing for Quaternionic Signals hdl://10773/16755. , Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 11, pp. 417-455.
Koren D., Kilar V., Rus K. (2017): Proposal for holistic assessment of urban system resilience to natural disasters. V: World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS 12-16 June 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, (IOP conference series, ISSN 1757-899X, Materials science and engineering, vol. 245). Bristol: IOP. 2017, vol. 245, str. 1-10., doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/245/6/062011.
Kraus M., Mämpel S. (2017): Zur computerorientierten Berechnung schubbeeinflusster Normalspannungen in Stäben. In: Stahlbau 86, H. 11, pp. 951-960. (doi: 10.1002/stab.201710543).
Kraus M., Mämpel S., Crisan A. (2017): Influence of Rails on the Stability of Crane Runway Girders. In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2017). Kopenhagen: ce/papers 1, No. 2-3, pp. 1029-1038. (doi:10.1002/cepa.143).
Matos R., Rodrigues F., Rodrigues H., Alves A., Ribeirinho P. (2017): Building Life Cycle Management aplicado a um edifício de alvenaria de pedra. Congresso da Reabilitação do Património (CREPAT), 519. 29 e 30 de junho, 2017, Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN: 978-989-20-7623-2 (link to researchgate).
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