Maria Steiner

Maria Steiner

Thema: Qualität von Metamodellen im Bezug auf Anwendungen des Ingenieurwesens.

Telefon: +49(0)3643/58 42 19
Raum 201
Berkaer Straße 9
E-Mail: maria.steiner[at]

In many fields of civil engineering, problems frequently exist in which a high computation time for determining the optimal deployment of construction materials is necessary. To reduce the costs in these situations and to keep the computation time low without losing model quality, the application of mathematical models is useful. With response surface methods, which are also called metamodels, calculations and forecasts can be completed faster because of a reduced amount of measurement data.

In this subject, the applicability of metamodels to civil engineering problems are first analyzed. Furthermore, it seeks to answer the question of which model is the most suitable for specific application fields. In addition a Baysian model fusion of metamodels will be considered.


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tom Lahmer

Institute of Structural Mechanics


Marienstraße 15, 99423 Weimar


Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Most

Dynardo - Dynamik Software and Engineering GmbH

Steubenstraße 25, 99423 Weimar
