The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s research profile is primarily defined by six institutes:
- Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solutions (
- BuiltEnvironment-Management-Institute (B-M-I)
- F.A. Finger Institute for Building Material Engineering (FIB)
- Institute of Construction Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Building Physics (IBMB)
- Institute of Structural Engineering (IKI)
- Institute for Structural Mechanics (ISM)
The Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solutions ( aims to strengthen the cooperation of the university’s research teams in Urban Water Management and Sanitation, Biotechnology in Resources Management, Transport System Planning and Urban Energy Systems in the areas of teaching, research and consultancy work. This encompasses the further development of degree programmes, joint doctorate colloquia and joint research and development activities.
Participating chairs:
Urban Water Management and Sanitation
Biotechnology in Resources Management
Urban Bioengineering for Resource Recovery
Head of institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silvio Beier (Chair of Urban Bioengineering for Resource Recovery)
The B-M-I includes the following professorships and departments:
- Professorship of Construction Engineering and Management
- Professorhip of Infrastructure Economics and Management
- Professorship of Entrepreneurship and Technology transfer
Head of the Institute: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Beckers (Professorship of Infrastructure Economics and Management)
Deputy Head of the Institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Bargstädt (Professorship of Construction Engineering and Management)
Within the context of climate change, a shifting demographic, increased mobility and ageing building infrastructure, the current sociological, ecological and economic challenges can only be overcome in an environment that fosters interdisciplinary thinking. The Institute of Construction Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Building Physics (IBMB) is dedicated to addressing these challenges in teaching and research at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. With expertise in construction informatics, applied mathematics and building physics, the institute is well equipped to meet current and future challenges in civil engineering.
The IBMB includes the following professorships:
• Professorship of Computing in Civil Engineering
• Professorship of Computer Vision in Engineering
• Professorship of Intelligent Technical Design
• Professorship of Applied Mathematics
• Professorship of Building Physics
Institute Director: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Volker Rodehorst
(Professorship of Computer Vision in Engineering)
Deputy Institute Director: nn
With four chairs, its own testing facility and the Earthquake Damage Analysis Centre (EDAC), the Institute of Structural Engineering (IKI) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering investigates decisive new processes and methods for contemporary supporting structures, such as innovative glass-based compounds and new methods in wood and masonry construction.
The scientific work at the Institute of Structural Mechanics (ISM) focuses on the design of new, efficient and robust simulation methods, which can be used to predict the responses of supporting structures under various loads, the development of experimental methods for the dynamic analysis of supporting structures as well as the development of numerical methods to support the design of new materials.