Increasing requirements in new construction, renovation, environmental protection, recycling, and the use of waste materials call for specialists who develop, test, and implement tailored solutions for construction materials. For civil engineers, it means to think beyond the boundaries of their traditional discipline and to acquire expert knowledge in the field of materials science. The study programme »Building Materials Engineering«, which is unique in Germany, provides you with the necessary expertise:
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The master's degree programme is completed with the academic degree »Master of Science« (M. Sc.) after four semesters of regular study time. The programme addresses everyone with interest, who already obtained a primary university degree in civil engineering or in another field of engineering science or applied natural science and who wish to further develop their technical and methodological expertise in the field of building materials and renovation.
Our graduates are qualified for advanced engineering jobs in leading positions with testing, research, and development tasks for existing and new buildings. Due to close supervision and the practice-oriented study programme, you as a building materials engineer will be able to fill key positions in companies, institutes, and planning offices as well as actively promote future-oriented solutions for resource-saving and sustainable construction.
Degree | Master of Science |
Standard Period of Study | 4 semesters |
Scope | 120 ECTS credit points |
Focus | engineering and natural science-oriented subjects in the fields of materials sciences in civil engineering, such as concrete, wood, masonry and repair building materials, building damage analysis and building repair, ecological building and building materials recycling |
Application procedure | Preliminary test, online application |
Matriculation deadline | winter term 30.09. / summer term 31.03. of the current year |
The focus of the study programme »Building Materials Engineering« is the holistic analysis of composition, production, and application of materials in construction. The aim is to train engineers, who can independently develop multifunctional materials and tailored construction materials for modern, future-oriented engineering structures and historical buildings and their renovation as well as safely classify and repair materials-dependent structural damage.
The programme is structured as follows (click to enlarge):
Both, engineering and natural science-oriented subjects are taught: By starting with the fundamentals of general materials science, the characterization of building materials, and the interaction between structure and properties of materials, the identification of structural damage and the possibilities of repair and renovation are part of the education as well. Furthermore, the study introduces you to raw material resources and the options of building material recycling.
Supplementary to the lectures, exercises and project work, which teach skills in the use of testing and analysing methods, are offered. In our well-equipped construction materials, chemistry, and physics laboratories, you will to a great extent independently analyze and test construction and other materials.
In order to refine your individual profile, you are able to take various elective modules depending on your interests. Here you can benefit from the resources at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and, for example, take subjects such as structural engineering, construction management, architecture or environmental engineering as well as foreign language courses. With the final master's thesis, you demonstrate your ability to work scientifically on the current state of construction research.
Further details can be found in the »Study and Exam Regulations« and the »Module Catalogue«.
Below you can find actual as well as basical orders, schedules and forms for the Master program in Building Material Engineering.
For Students, who started their program in 2012 or before, please contact the Examination Office.
Formal prerequisites | Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering degree from a university, university of applied sciences, or university of cooperative education in the field of civil engineering or another bachelor's degree with a technical or scientific orientation (degree at least 3.0) |
Subject-specific prerequisites | materials- and/or renovation-related knowledge already acquired throughout the study programme or completion of subject-specific requirements for proficiency adaption (without additional expenditure of time) |
Language skills | German language proficiency at level C1 according to the DSH 2 or TestDaF (min. 4 TDN4) or equivalent certificates |
Admission process | registration procedure, preliminary test, admission to summer or winter term |
Application | winter term 30.09. / summer term 31.03. of the current year |
In order to be admitted to the Master's programme »Building Materials Engineering«, you must have a first academic degree in civil engineering, environmental engineering, or materials science or a degree from a field-related or other technical or applied natural science study programme. This first academic degree can be a bachelor, master, or diploma obtained at a university, university of applied sciences, or university of cooperative education. The first academic degree should usually be at least »satisfactory 3.0«.
Knowledge of materials- and/or renovation-related techniques already acquired throughout your studies is advantageous. Due to the nationwide unique master's degree programme, a bachelor's degree without advanced knowledge of building materials (also in B. Sc. civil engineering with a different specialization) requires subject-specific prerequisites for the proficiency adaption. The prerequisites can be entirely accredited as an elective subject, so that no additional expenditure of time is needed.
The examination board at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering verifies the requirements. The review of application documents takes place to determine whether the already acquired knowledge meets the subject-specific prerequisites of the Master's programme. Based on the assessment of the subject study advisor, the examination board revises the application documents.
Further details can be found in the »Study Regulations«.
If you decided upon a study programme at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, please apply via our online application procedure. You will be systematically guided through the application form. It takes about 20 minutes to complete the application.
Application with school and university degrees from outside the EU (except Switzerland)
Prospective students who did not obtain their school or first university degree in the European Union (EU) should apply via The application deadlines for the winter terms (WiSe) are from May 15th to August 31st, depending on study programme. For the summer terms (SoSe) the application deadline is January 15th.
The Bauhaus.CampusPortal guides you step-by-step through the questions and asks you to upload certain documents. At the end, you send your data electronically. You have now successfully submitted your application to the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. It is not necessary to send the application documents by post in paper form. We only need them in case of admission or enrollment.
If you are admitted to study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, you will receive a notification by e-mail. Please accept your study place as soon as possible and enrol so that all formalities are completed in time for the start of your studies.
From our experience, we know: The graduates of our faculty enter the professional world quickly and successfully. The demand for well-trained engineers in Germany and abroad is greater than the supply. Engineers with qualifications in the field of construction and materials are urgently needed to meet the challenges of our time - to develop, test and provide materials, construction methods and concepts of sustainable construction for the future. Take advantage of the opportunity to prepare for a successful career in an exciting work environment at the nationally and internationally renowned F. A. Finger-Institute for Building Materials Engineering (FIB) at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar by studying the Master's degree in Building Materials Engineering.
The specialization in »Building Materials Engineering« or »Building Materials and Renovation« prepares students for planning, execution, and construction expert tasks in new construction, maintenance, and renovation of buildings. As an expert for materials science in civil engineering, you will be able to fill key positions in companies, institutes, and planning offices. The degree qualifies to take over testing, research, and development tasks in a leading position. This also includes the management of concrete construction sites in structural and civil engineering and the planning and implementation of reutilization and maintenance as well as tasks related to resource-efficient and sustainable construction, the thermal and fire protection finishing with suitable materials, and ecological construction taking the life cycle and recyclability into account. Further qualifications are supervision and guidance of employees as well as the development, performance, and monitoring of projects and the writing of research and test reports.
A successful and above-average degree from the Master's programme is the prerequisite for an admission in a doctorate or international Ph.D. programme.
If you have any questions about starting a career, please contact the Career Service of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Useful information on the salary of civil engineers can be found »here«
An overview of current job offers can be found on the following portals:
To the »job offers« of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Ob für Kunst- und Kulturhungrige, Nachtschwärmer oder Feinschmecker – neben Goethe, Schiller und dem Bauhaus hat Weimar noch einiges mehr zu bieten.
Zehn Dinge, die Sie über die Universitätsstadt Weimar wissen sollten!
Überfüllte Hörsääle? Schlange stehen vorm Prüfungsamt? Dass alles gibt es in Weimar nicht. Mit rund 4.000 Studierenden geht es an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar sehr familiär zu. Hier finden Sie schnell Anschluss zu Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen und profitieren von einer außergewöhnlich hohen Betreuungsdichte durch unsere Lehrenden (46:1).
Der Uni-Campus liegt mitten in der Stadt. In 10 Minuten Fußweg sind alle Orte zu erreichen: Von Labor und Hörsaal, über Prüfungs- und BAföG-Amt bis hin zu Mensa und Studierendenhaus »M18«. Außerdem sind Thüringens größte Städte Jena und Erfurt mit dem Zug jeweils nur 15 Minuten entfernt. Mit der Studierendenkarte »thoska« erhalten Sie zahlreiche Rabatte und nutzen den ÖPNV kostenlos.
Im Zentrum der Lehre steht das Projektstudium, d.h. die praxisnahe, fächerübergreifende und ganzheitliche Auseinandersetzung mit einer Fragstellung. Darüber hinaus veranstalten wir regelmäßig Gastvorlesungen und Exkursionen zu Praxispartnern wie Max Bögl oder der Deutschen Bahn. Profitieren Sie von unseren Kontakten auch bei der Vermittlung von Praktikumsplätzen oder der Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten.
Der Begriff »Bauhaus« steht für Experimentierfreudigkeit, Offenheit und Kreativität – Dieses Selbstverständnis zeigt sich in Forschung, Kunst und Lehre. Mit ihren vier Fakultäten verfügt die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar daher über ein deutschlandweit einzigartiges Profil, deren Disziplinen Architektur und Urbanistik, Bauingenieurwesen, Medien sowie Kunst und Gestaltung sich gegenseitig befruchten.
Digital Engineering, Ressourceneffizientes Bauen und High-Tech-Baustoffe – nur drei Kernbereiche an denen die Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften derzeit forscht. Im bundesweiten Vergleich rangiert die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar damit auf Platz vier im aktuellen DFG-Ranking. Als studentische Hilfskraft werden Sie Teil der Innovationsteams.
Das Thema »Digitales Lernen« steht im Fokus der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar und wird durch das eLab weiter vorangetrieben. Ergänzend zu klassischen Lehr- und Lernmethoden erleichtern digitale Formate wie die Online-Lernplattform »Moodle« Ihre Studienorganisation. Darüber hinaus bietet die Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Online-Seminare im virtuellen Klassenzimmer an und entwickelt innovative Lehrmethoden wie das Online-Lern-Spiel »Uni Weimar Quiz App«.
Mehr als 30 Prozent der Studierenden kommt aus dem Ausland an die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Das übersteigt den bundesweiten Durchschnitt internationaler Studierender enorm. An der Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften begeistern vor allem die englischsprachigen Studiengänge NHRE und Digital Engineering sowie die jährlich stattfindende Bauhaus Summer School. Wer selbst Auslandserfahrung sammeln möchte, kann zwischen über 200 Partneruniversitäten wählen. Vorbereitende Kurse bietet das Sprachenzentrum der Universität an.
Weimar ist das, was man draus macht. Ob Filmfestival, Seifenkistenrennen, Open Air Party oder Vernissage – In Weimar kommen viele kreative Köpfe zusammen. Gemeinsam lässt sich alles stemmen und gefeiert wird sowieso.
Ob Osten, Süden, Westen oder Norden – Weimar ist umgeben von zahlreichen Parks und Grünflächen. Diese laden zum Outdoor-Lernen, Radfahren, Grillen und Relaxen ein. Zum Skifahren und Wandern geht es mit der thoska in den Thüringer Wald.
Zentrumsnah wohnen? Na klar! Auf ein Getränk mit Freunden? Wieso nicht! Im Programmkino einen Film genießen? Immer gern. In Weimar sind die Lebenshaltungskosten vergleichsweise gering und zahlreiche Studentenrabatte machen das Leben noch angenehmer.
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