In the 1st to 4th semesters, a total of 120 credits must be earned in the following subject areas:
Name | Credits (ECTS) |
Fundamentals | 18 |
Engineering Methods | 36 |
Computer Science Methods | 18 |
Electives | 12 |
Project | 12 |
Master Module | 24 |
For each subject area, you will have a choice among several modules which you can select according to your interests. In addition to the general orientation of Digital Engineering, the following so-called profile lines can currently be selected as part of a content-related specialization: Materials and Structures (S+M) and Mobility and Transport (M+T). Within the scope of the degree program (120 CP in total), a total of at least 60 CP is required in order to successfully complete a profile line. The modules thematically assigned to the profile lines are named in the module catalog. In addition to your Master’s degree, you will receive proof of your completed courses in the form of a module overview.
In the basic courses, you will learn to recognise and understand engineering issues, as well as how to formulate and implement them using mathematical methods. You will acquire the capability to implement mathematical descriptions and develop your own software using state-of-the-art algorithms and data structures.
The Fundamentals include the following modules:
- Algorithms and Datastructures
- Applied Mathematics and Stochastics
- Introduction to Mechanics
- Mathematics for Data Science
- Object-oriented Modeling and Programming in Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Statistics
In the subject area of Engineering Methods you will first acquire comprehensive knowledge on how to generate and use models in engineering. The subject is spatial, temporal and functional modelling, as well as digital representation and application of models using standard software. You will also be shown options for mathematically describing and solving physical models and processes. In this context, techniques for optimising and identifying input and output variables are also taught.
This subject area also provides an introduction to the simulation of processes and structures. Special attention is given to handling stochastic input and output data, non-linear behaviour, and the use of efficient simulation methods. The models are validated using experimental data. In addition, methods of statistical experimental planning as well as measurement methods, subsequent signal processing and methods for system and parameter identification are presented.
Students may choose in total 36 ECTS from the following modules:
- Advanced Building Information Modeling
- Complex Dynamics
- Computer models for physical processes – from observation to simulation
- Design and Interpretation of Experiments
- Finite Element Methods
- Indoor Environmental Modeling
- Introduction to Mobility and Transport
- Macroscopic Transport Modeling
- Microscopic Transport Modeling
- Modeling of Steel Structures and Numerical Simulation
- Optimization
- Simulation Methods in Engineering
- Spatial Information Systems (GIS)
- Stochastic Simulation Techniques and Structural Reliability
- Structural Dynamics
The subject area of Computer Science Methods covers methods for visualising and analysing large sets of data. You will get to know methods and concepts for modular software development. Methods of image acquisition, image recognition, and image processing used to validate models and augment visualisations are also introduced.
Students may choose in total 18 ECTS from the following modules:
- Computer Graphics: Fundamentals of Imaging
- Formal Methods for Software Engineering
- Generative Software Engineering
- Image Analysis and Object Recognition
- Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Photogrammetric Computer Vision
- Search Algorithms
- Visualization