
You would like to study at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering? Here you will find all the important information about the application process. Do you still have questions? Our individual orientation and advisory services offer you the best opportunity to get to know the campus and the city. Try out workshops, visit our laboratories and get advice from students and lecturers!
Alle Bewerber*innen müssen einen Bachelor-Abschluss im Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen oder einem verwandten Fachgebiet besitzen. In der Regel wird ein »Bachelor of Science« im Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen oder ein gleichwertiger Abschluss von einer anerkannten Einrichtung verlangt. Der Prüfungsausschuss prüft die Gleichwertigkeit des Abschlusses des*der Bewerbenden; ist er nicht gleichwertig, können zusätzliche Zulassungsbedingungen gestellt werden. Die Abschlussnote des Bachelor-Abschlusses sollte in der Regel 2,5 (nach dem deutschen System) oder besser sein. Falls in Ihrem Bachelorabschluss keine Bachelorarbeit geschrieben wurde und diese auch nicht in Ihrem Zeugnis aufgeführt ist, reichen Sie bitte Ihre Bachelorarbeit oder ein gleichwertiges Projekt aus Ihrem Bachelorstudium ein.
Eine APS ist für chinesische, vietnamesische und indische Bewerber erforderlich.
Das Bewerbungsverfahren, die Fristen und die Bewerbungsportale unterscheiden sich jeweils für Bewerber*innen mit einem in der EU erworbenen Bachelor-Abschluss, einem internationalen Abschluss und wenn Sie sich für ein DAAD-EPOS-Stipendium bewerben möchten. Die für Sie zutreffenden Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte den nachfolgenden Erläuterungen.
Die Bewerber*innen müssen Englischkenntnisse der Stufe B2 nachweisen, indem sie entweder
Das Zertifikat darf zum geplanten Studienbeginn im kommenden Wintersemester nicht älter als 2 Jahre sein.
You have a Bachelor's degree from a country of the European Union.
Formal requirements | Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or a related field, see General requirements |
Language skills | English language proficiency |
Admission procedure | Enrolment procedure, admission to winter term |
Application | Online-Application, Deadline: until 30th September |
You are requested to submit the following application documents:
All photocopies of documents that need to be enclosed with your application must be legally certified. Legally certified photocopies of documents can be obtained in Germany from sources like, e.g., city halls, district courts or public notaries. Secondary schools and universities are permitted to make legally certified photocopies of their own documents only. In countries outside Germany, legally certified photocopies may be obtained from the German foreign missions or the respective country’s authorities which are authorised to legally certify photocopies. A photocopy of a legally certified photocopy must always be legalized again. You can apply online only. Please do not send documents. Also, do not send original documents, since the university cannot be held responsible for the possible loss or damage of such documents.
All necessary documents have to be uploaded online until the deadline! You can apply online only. The certified documents have to be presented when you get registered in our university.
If you have any other questions regarding the application process/status, admissions and registration, please contact the Student Office.
You have an international acquired Bachelor's degree and you don’t want to apply for the DAAD-EPOS scholarship.
Formal requirements | Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or a related field, see General requirements |
Language skills | English language proficiency |
Admission procedure | Enrolment procedure, admission to winter term |
Application | Online-Application, Deadline: until 15th July |
You are requested to submit the following application documents to uni-assist only:
All photocopies of documents that need to be enclosed with your application must be legally certified. Legally certified photocopies of documents can be obtained in Germany from sources like, e.g., city halls, district courts or public notaries. Secondary schools and universities are permitted to make legally certified photocopies of their own documents only. In countries outside Germany, legally certified photocopies may be obtained from the German foreign missions or the respective country’s authorities which are authorised to legally certify photocopies. A photocopy of a legally certified photocopy must always be legalized again. You can apply online only. Please do not send documents. Also, do not send original documents, since the university cannot be held responsible for the possible loss or damage of such documents.
All necessary documents have to be uploaded online until the deadline! You can apply online only. The certified documents have to be presented when you get registered in our university.
If you have any other questions regarding the application process/status, admissions and registration, please contact the Student Office.
International acquired Bachelor's degree with application for a DAAD-EPOS scholarship.
Formal requirements | Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or a related field, see General requirements |
Language skills | English language proficiency (must not be older than one year at the time of application) |
Admission procedure | Enrolment procedure, multi-stage admission process, admission to winter term of the following year |
Application | Online-Application, Deadline: until 15th October of the previous year |
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) grants four to eighth scholarships to admit applicants of the Master course NHRE within the programme »Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries« who have graduated outside of Germany. The scholar ships start only in winter semester.
Application is open to experts and executives from developing countries who hold a university degree and have gained at least two years of career experience in a position in industry, business or administration which is relevant to the respective chosen postgraduate degree course.
Further information about the focus of the scholarship programme can be obtained from the DAAD website and here.
The additional application form for the DAAD scholarship you can download from the DAAD website. And don’t forget to read and submit the checklist together with all requested documents! Without these correctly filled in documents your application will not be processed.
All necessary documents including the checklist have to be uploaded online until the deadline! You can apply online only. The certified documents have to be presented when you get registered in our university.
All photocopies of documents that need to be included with your application must be legally certified. Legally certified photocopies of documents may be obtained from the German foreign missions or the respective country’s authorities which are authorised to legally certify photocopies. A photocopy of a legally certified photocopy must always be legalized again. You can apply online only. Please do not send documents. Also, do not send original documents, since the university cannot be held responsible for the possible loss or damage of such documents.
If you have any other questions regarding the application process/status, admissions and registration, please contact the Student Office.
If we accept you for our master program NHRE – you will get admission letter in any case - independently if you get the scholarship from DAAD or not.
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