
Here you will find an overview of the lecturers in the NHRE degree programme. Get in direct contact and get to know the respective professorships, institutes and research areas.
Head of course program NHRE
Institute of Structural Engineering
Professorship for Modelling and Simulation of Structures
Head of course program NHRE, Contact DAAD-EPOS NHRE
Institute of Structural Engineering
Professorship for Advanced Structures
(Head of course program NHRE from 2010 to 2021)
Earthquake Damage Analysis Center (EDAC)
Professorship for Natural Hazards and Structural Resilience
Institute of Construction Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Building Physics (IBMB)
Professorship for Intelligent Technical Design
Institute of Structural Mechanics
Professorship for Structural Analysis and Component Strength
Institute of Structural Engineering
Professorship for Steel and Hybrid Structures
Institute of Structural Mechanics
Professorship for Optimization and Stochastics
Professorship for Construction Engineering and Management
Institute of Structural Mechanics
Professorship for Computational Mechanics
Institute of Construction Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Building Physics (IBMB)
Professorship for Computer Vision in Engineering
Institute of Construction Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Building Physics (IBMB)
Professorship for Applied Mathematics
Institute of Structural Engineering
Professorship for Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Institute of Structural Mechanics
Earthquake Damage Analysis Center (EDAC)
Institute of Structural Mechanics
Earthquake Damage Analysis Center (EDAC)
Institute of Structural Mechanics
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