
From experience we know: Graduates of our degree programme enter the professional world quickly and successfully. The demand for well-trained civil engineers is still greater than the supply. Take advantage of the opportunity to prepare yourself for a dynamic and exciting professional world in a Master's degree programme at a small and yet internationally oriented faculty.
The Master's degree programme NHRE directly addresses the various regions at risk from natural hazards. The target group of students is mainly located in areas that are affected by annually recurring disasters (e.g. tropical storms and floods) as well as by disasters that occur at irregular intervals (e.g. earthquakes and landslides) (South America, Central and Southeast Asia, Africa). Also addressed are employees of authorities with a connection to disaster management, of engineering companies (planning, construction supervision, support) and of research institutions.
The assignment of graduates is inherently oriented towards the professional sector in their target countries, whereby particular emphasis is placed on engineering practice. Networking with local university institutions is desirable, but not mandatory. At the same time, and currently to a particular extent, the European and German labour market is also open to graduates with the appropriate language skills.
»One of the rewarding aspects of the program for me was the opportunity to work as a tutor for two semesters in the subjects of Geotechnical Engineering and Stochastic and Risk Assessment. This experience gave me a chance to apply the skills and knowledge that I had learned and helped me to further develop my confidence. [...] This experience has been invaluable to my personal growth and has prepared me well for my current pursuit of a PhD jointly at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and Université Grenoble Alpes, France, under the URBASIS Project, funded by the European Commission with an MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) fellowship.«
Astha Poudel
Marie Curie – ITN Fellow
Early-Stage Research (Jointly at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and Université Grenoble Alpes)
2016 Batch (DAAD Scholar)
»I liked the structure and the diversity of the NHRE degree programme. The programme was potentially diverse which makes it easier for one to choose a suitable career for oneself. Furthermore, I like that the program includes projects that need computer programming skills. During those project works one gets an extensive experience in different programming skills. I find the experiences gathered in computer programming skills during NHRE program are priceless and help oneself to grow in the further professional environment«.
Mahfuzul Islam
Digital Construction Engineer at Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG
»The M.Sc. program NHRE not only expanded my knowledge in core structural engineering, but also in different dimensions of natural hazards like earthquake, wind and flood. The opportunity to learn from the experts in the field of structural engineering, earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, stochastics, and more was truly unique and invaluable. The courses are blended to improve research skills and projects are facilitated to achieve individual goals. The program's structure is very favorable for job opportunities in Germany and further education as it offers networking opportunities with both industry and academia. I am grateful to have had an easy access to a PhD opportunity in Italy due to the international linkages developed during the two years of the master's program.«
Bharat Pradhan
Structural Engineering Consultant, Co-founder and Chairperson of Pro Eth Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
Lecturer as part-time faculty member at engineering colleges in Nepal
Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy (2021)
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