Research Assistant
Marienstraße 7a, Room 201
99423 Weimar
phone: +49 (0) 3643 / 58-4572
email: martina.mellenthin.filardo[at]uni-weimar.de
Principles of Architectural Design

In this module, students independently produce an architectural design. In this context, the methodological and conceptual principles of project development as well as the application of (construction) economic knowledge in the field of project development can be understood and applied.
The main focuses are:
- Learning various graphic representation techniques
- reproduction of structures, materials and staffages in different scales and architectural forms of representation
- three-dimensional comprehension of given topographical and architectural spaces and situations
- getting to know basic spatial techniques
Building planning/building regulation law

The main focuses of this course include property law and development, building regulations law, protection of neighbors, special urban planning law, legal protection in planning and enforcement. Contents including the essential aspects of building planning law and building regulations law, e.g. drawing up a development plan, the prerequisites under building planning law for the approval of a building application and its enforcement, the problems under building regulations law such as development, distance areas and procedural questions concerning the building application, the preliminary decision, etc. (using cases from daily practice) are covered.
Procurement law and new types of contract
- Integration of information requirements for planning, e.g. in BIM authoring software more
- Machine readability of information requirements, e.g. EIR documents
- VR visualization of construction site logistics
- Use of UAS in construction
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Debus, P., Melzner, J., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2024) "Enhancing Information Requirement Compliance Through Automated Integration in a Modelling Environment". In: Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Vigo, Spain. PDF.
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Liu, L., Hagedorn, P., Zentgraf, S., Melzner, J., König, M. (2024). A standard-based ontology network for information requirements in digital construction projects. In: Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) Workshop. Bochum, Germany. PDF
Wolf, M., Riyad, P., Söbke, H., Mellenthin Filardo, M., Oehler, D. A., Melzner, J., Kraft, E. (2024). Metaverse-Based Approach in Urban Planning: Enhancing Wastewater Infrastructure Planning Using Augmented Reality. In: Geroimenko, V. (eds.) Augmented and Virtual Reality in the Metaverse. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. Springer, Cham. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-57746-8_16
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Wiesner, L. H., Melzner, J., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2023). Automated supplement of information requirements for tendering data. In: Proceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction and the 40th International CIB W78 Conference (EC3 2023). Heraclion, Crete. DOI: 10.35490/EC3.2023.247.
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Debus, P., Melzner, J., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2023). XML-based Automated Information Requirement Import to a Modelling Environment. In: Broyd, T., Haijiang, L., Lu, Q. (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th EG-ICE: International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. PDF.
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Melzner, J., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2023). Replicating an infrastructure project for professional BIM education. For the 10th International Workshop When Social Science Meets Lean and Digital Technologies: 10 years and beyond, associated with the Global Leadership Forum for Construction Engineering and Management (GLF-CEM) 2023, PDF.
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Nürnberger, C., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2022). XML-basierte Übernahme von Inhalten der Auftraggeber-Informationsanforderungen in eine BIM-Autorensoftware. In: Slepicka, M., Kolbeck, L., Esser, S., Forth, K., Noichl, F., Schlenger, J. (eds.), Proceedings of 33. Forum Bauinformatik, München 2022. doi: 10.14459/2022md1686600, PDF.
Krischler, J., Mellenthin Filardo, M., Koch, C. (2022). GIS and BIM Integration - Approaches for Early Railway Planning Phases. In: Tagliabue, L. C., Chassiakos, A., Hall, D. M., Nikolic, D., Soman, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3 2022). doi: 10.35490/EC3.2022.200 PDF
Debus, P., Mellenthin Filardo, M. (2021). Drohnen im Bauwesen: Wissen zu Einsatz, Technik und BIM. 1. Auflage, bSD Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-948742-30-0 .
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Krischler, J. (2021). An A Priori EIR-Compliant Modelling Approach. In: Disser, M., Hoffmann, A., Kuhn, L., Scheich, P. (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Forum Bauinformatik, Darmstadt 2021, PDF.
Walther, T., Mellenthin Filardo, M., Marihal, N., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2021). Project Controlling of Road Construction Sites as a Comparison of As-Built and As-Planned Models Using Convex Hull Algorithm. In: Semenov, V. und Scherer, R. J., (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling. ECPPM 2021.
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Akula, R., Walther, T., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2021). Automated Framework for Optimized Path-Planning for Pile Foundation Drilling Machines based on 4D BIM Modelling. In: Snijder, H.H., De Pauw, B., van Alphen, S., & Mengeot, P. (eds.), Proceedings of IABSE Congress Ghent 2021: Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs. IABSE 2021.
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Walther, T., Maddineni, S., Bargstädt, H.-J. (2020). Installing Reinforcement Rebars Using Virtual Reality and 4D Visualization. In: Toledo Santos E., Scheer S. (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE 2020. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 98. Springer, Cham.
Mellenthin Filardo, M., Krischler, J. (2020). BIM-Basics: Basiswissen zu Auftraggeber-Informationsanforderungen (AIA), 1. Auflage, bSD Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-948742-12-6 .
Bargstädt, H.-J., Mosebach, J., Mellenthin Filardo, M. (2020). Wie können BIM-orientierte Leistungsbilder in einer überarbeiteten HOAI aussehen? In: Deutsch Bauzeitschrift (DBZ), Ausgabe 09/2020. Bauverlag, Gütersloh, 2020.
Mellenthin Filardo, M. (2019). Praxisrelevante Auftraggeber-Informations-Anforderungen für Infrastrukturprojekte als Indikatoren des Einführungsgrades von BIM in Deutschland.
In: Sternal, M., Ungureanu, L.-C., Böger, L., Bindal-Gutsche, C. (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Forum Bauinformatik, Berlin 2019, PDF.
Mellenthin Filardo, M. (2019). Vergleich praxisrelevanter Auftraggeber-Informations-Anforderungen für Infrastrukturprojekte unter Verwendung von BIM-Methoden in Deutschland.
In: Haghsheno, S., Lennerts, K., Gentes, S. (eds.), Proceedings des 30. BBB-Assistentreffen in Karlsruhe - Fachkongress der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter Bauwirtschaft | Baubetrieb | Bauverfahrenstechnik. Karlsruhe 2019, ISBN: 978-3-7315-0906-6.