
Defense Raghu Varma Yarakaraju

Raghu Varma Yarakaraju will give a presentation on "Finding Image-to-Image Similarities in a Historic Humanities Corpus" on September 9, 2022 at 3pm as part of his master's defense.

Summer School: Forecast Engineering

Presentation at the Bauhaus Summer School on image-based 3D modeling and anomaly detection with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for virtualization, visualization and validation of urban and structural building responses.

ERAMCA workshop

Presentation on digital photogrammetry and laboratory tour for the geomatics team at the workshop "Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation on Cultural Heritage Assets in Central Asia" (ERAMCA) in Weimar.

Open Lab Night: 3D-RealityCapture-ScanLab

On the occasion of the Open Lab Night 2022 the chair of Computer Vision opens its doors to the public for the first time to the 3D Reality Capture Scan Lab (3ReCapSL).
Equipped with carefully orchestrated cutting-edge imaging equipment such as high-resolution digital system cameras and high-speed video sensors, 3ReCapSL offers a glimpse into the present and the future of image-based 3D reconstruction of static and dynamic scenes, motion and deformation fields. During the Open Lab Night 2022, researchers of the Computer Vision chair demonstrate live applications of state-of-the-art techniques in the field of accurate and photorealistic 3D reconstruction. Get an impression of current research and seize the opportunity to capture a three-dimensional selfie with more than 100 cameras.

Open Lab Night: Effects of Camera Motion on Image Resolution

The relevance of moving platforms for image acquisition - such as mobile phones or drones - is steadily increasing. The practical image resolution achieved by a moving camera is, however, typically worse than the theoretically possible resolution. Effects of motion blur, out of focus, noise, and improper camera parameters can distinctly reduce image sharpness and, thereby, the capability of representing fine structures. In this project, the practical resolution will be estimated by means of a Siemens star and related to camera movement.

Open Lab Night: Generated 3D Interior Design for multi-modal Scene Understanding

Modern 3D reconstruction algorithms opened up a wide range of applications to capture real life geometry. Machine learning based methods are used to segment and understand these reconstructed 3D scenes. To train such methods, a vast amount of cleaned, annotated and curated data is needed, which is a tedious and time-consuming task. In this semester's project, students demonstrate methods to synthesize a large amount of 3D indoor scenes using freely available CAD models and extract suitable representations of point clouds, viewpoints and textual scene descriptions.

Defense Julian Steinhaußen

Julian Steinhaußen will give a presentation on "Deep Learning for Image Registration" on July 12, 2022 at 2pm as part of his master's defense.

School MIT Science

7th "Schule MIT Wissenschaft Thüringen" conference from June 30 to July 2 at the Leonardo Hotel Weimar for Thuringian teachers with drone demonstration and joint lecture on testing aging infrastructure structures with digital technologies.

Lecture Geodesy

For Engineering Day, the geodesy lecture will be moved to LH A of M13c on June 29, 2022 at 7:30 am.

D-A-CH Joint Meeting

Presentation of interim results in the ev.AI.luate project at the D-A-CH Joint Meeting for Call 2021 - Bridges and Soils.

Computer Vision Conferences (selection)

Name Location Submission Date
CVPR 2025: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionNashville,
Nov, 2024Jun 10-17, 2025
ICCV 2025: IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer VisionHonolulu,
Jan, 2025Dec, 2025
ECCV 2024: European Conference on Computer Vision Milan,
Feb 29, 2024Sep 29 - Oct 4, 2024
BMVC 2024: British Machine Vision ConferenceGlasgow,
May 10, 2024Nov 25-28, 2024
WACV 2025: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer VisionTucson,
Jul 15, 2024
Sep 9, 2024
Feb 28 - Mar 4, 2025
ICIP 2024: IEEE International Conference on Image ProcessingAbu Dhabi,
Jan 31, 2024Oct 27-30, 2024
ISPRS 2026: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing CongressToronto,
Jul 4-11, 2026
ICPR 2024: IAPR International Conference on Pattern RecognitionKolkata,
Apr 10, 2024Dec 1-5, 2024
ICDAR 2024: IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and RecognitionAthens,
Feb 1, 2024Aug 30 - Sep 4, 2024
ACCV 2024: Asian Conference on Computer VisionHanoi,
Jul 2, 2024Dec 8-12, 2024
MVA 2023: IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision and ApplicationsHamamatsu,
Mar 31, 2023    Jul 23-25, 2023
ICIAP 2023: IAPR International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing Udine,
Feb 23, 2023
Sep 11-15, 2023
GCPR 2024: DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition Munich,
Jun 5, 2024Sep 10-13, 2024
IVCNZ 2024: International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New ZealandChristchurch,
New Zealand
Sep 23, 2024Dec 5-6, 2024
CAIP 2023: International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and PatternsLimassol,
May 1, 2023Sep 25-30, 2023

> more

Organizations (selection)

  • IEEE Computer Society
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • The Computer Vision Foundation (CVF)
  • International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
  • International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR)
  • European Computer Vision Association (ECVA)
  • Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

  • Society for Computer Science (GI)
  • The German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM)
  • German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF)
  • German Association for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management (DVW)