The course covers advanced basics of spatial information systems, such as acquisition, organization, analysis and presentation of spatial data. The topics include digital terrain models, building models and 3D city models as well as GIS in the context of planning.
The course is managed using the open-source learning platform moodle. All documents and further information can be found in the moodle-course Spatial information systems (GIS).
Bitte beachte Sie: Die Kursunterlagen sind auch in Deutsch verfügbar.
Please notice: The materials for our lectures and exercises are only available through the network of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
- Administration, definitions, geoinformatics (slides, print)
- Geographical information systems, history, spatial reference, dimensions
Acquisition of spatial data
- Reference system, map projections
- Geodata, geometry and attributes, primary and secondary data acquisition method
- Data input, digitizing, vectorization, (semi-)automatic conversion
Geometric data analysis
- Geometric modeling, spatial interpolation, triangulation
- Constrained triangulation, freely available geodata, geodata infrastructures, WMS/WFS, OpenLayers, OpenSteetMap
Data management and modeling
- (Geo-)databases, relational/object-oriented, SQL, operators and syntax rules
- Logical data models, graphical modeling language UML, object-oriented concepts
Geographic visualization
- Cartographic presentation, design options, generalization
- Map elements, 3D building and city models, level of details, creation and model-based recognition, 3D data analysis
- Applications (LIS, RIS, UIS, NIS, FIS), strategic site planning, ...
Topological data analysis
- Network analysis, routing Problems, Dijkstra
- Traveling salesman problem, Kruskal, mimimum spanning tree, ...
Efficient data structures
- Quadtrees/octrees for raster and vector data, B+ trees, R-trees
- Summary
The first exercise will start on October 25, 2024 1:30 pm in lecture hall A. All following exercises will be biweekly. Exercise dates will be announced in the first exercise.
1. Exercise: Research and georeferencing
2. Exercise: Digitization and acquisition of attributes
3. Exercise: Spatial interpolation of digitized elevation data
4. Exercise: Use of free geo-data and geo-data analysis
5. Exercise: Transfer of a statistic into thematic maps
Final Project: Individual GIS topic
Written exam
- Date: February 18, 2025, 1:00 pm
- Place: Maurice-Halbwachs-Auditorium (former Audimax) in Steubenstraße 6 and lecture hall B and D in Marienstraße 13C
The student distribution is as follows: Location schedule - Auxiliary resources: none
Preparation material
- List of questions
- Old exam samples