SS 25
HCI (Introduction) VL2 + Ü1 (6 ECTS) (Eva Hornecker, Margarita Osipova, Rosa van Koningsbruggen) Bachelor Informatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English), requirement for some HCI M.Sc. students
Urban Togetherness: Cross-Medium Artifact Design for Urban Community Engagement (Margarita Osipova, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI, Bachelor Informatik, Master CS4DM, Bachelor + Master Product-Design, Media Arts & Design, Master MediaArchitecture.
The Zoo - Functional Prototyping with Electronics. (Hannes Waldschütz, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI, Master CS4DM, Bachelor Informatik, Bachelor + Master Product-Design, Media Arts & Design, Master MediaArchitecture.
Designing with the Body. Embodied Design Methods for Idea Development and Prototyping. (Seminar + Practical/Übung) (Rosa van Koningsbruggen, Eva Hornecker). Master HCI (12 places)
WS 24/25
UbiComp VL3+Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz, Margarita Osipova, Rosa van Koningsbruggen) (Master-level course)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü2 (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz): Bachelor Informatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
UX4UX: Designing a Web-Based Digital Tool for UX Experts. (Margarita Osipova, Preetha Moorthy, Eva Hornecker) for Master CS4DM + HCI
Samples of One: Exploring Personal Data through Autobiographical Design and Auto-Ethnography (Rosa van Koningsbruggen, Eva Hornecker) for Master HCI / CS4DM, BSc. Informatik/Medieninformatik, Master Media Architecture, Bachelor / Master Product Design
With a little help of… Exploring and Critically Reflecting Generative AI Tools in Design Ideation Processes (Hannes Waldschütz, Eva Hornecker), for Master HCI / CS4DM, BSc. Informatik/Medieninformatik
Seminar: An Introduction to Reflexive Thematic Analysis (Rosa van Koningsbruggen, Prof. Eva Hornecker) for Msc. HCI + CS4DM
SS 2024
HCI (Introduction) VL2 + Ü1 (6 ECTS) (Eva Hornecker, Margarita Osipova, Rosa van Koningsbruggen) Bachelor Informatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English), requirement for some HCI M.Sc. students
Feminist Smart City: Exploring Technological Urban Futures through Speculative Design (Margarita Osipova, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI.
Data driven Objects. (Hannes Waldschütz, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI, Bachelor Computing, Bachelor + Master Product-Design, Master MediaArchitecture.
VR Groovy. (collaborative project with the VR group, related to the research project GROOVE) (Prof. Fröhlich, Prof. Hornecker, Anton Lammert, Laura Simon, Rosa van Koningsbruggen). for Master HCI + CS4DM, Bachelor Computing, and Product Design)
WS 23/24
HCI Theory and Research Methods VL3+Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Margarita Osipova, Rosa van Koningsbruggen) (Master-level course)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü2 (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz): Bachelor Informatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
User Centered Design in practice: designing a digital product to encourage social interactions in hybrid workplaces. (Margarita Osipova, Eva Hornecker) for Master HCI
Queer(y)ing Data: Re-Imaging and Re-Designing Personal Data (Rosa van Koningsbruggen, Eva Hornecker) for Master HCI / CS4DM, BSc. Informatik/Medieninformatik, Master Media Architecture, Bachelor / Master Product Design
Technology, Material, Concept - Hands on HCI Prototyping (Hannes Waldschütz, Eva Hornecker), for Master HCI / CS4DM, BSc. Informatik/Medieninformatik, Master Media Architecture, Bachelor / Master Product Design
From Insight to Impact: Contextual Design as a Path to User-Centered Innovation - Bauhaus Module (Sophie Zaton, Hyesoo Jeon, Prof. Eva Hornecker)
SS 2023
HCI (Introduction) VL2 + Ü1 (6 ECTS) (Eva Hornecker, Margarita Osipova) Bachelor Informatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English), requirement for some HCI M.Sc. students
Smart and Ubiquitous: Technology and physical safety (Margarita Osipova, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI.
Full blown HCI. Inflatables for data physicalization and tangible interaction. (Hannes Waldschütz, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI, Bachelor + Master Product-Design, Master MediaArchitecture.
WS 22/23
Ubiquitous Computing VL3+Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer, Britta Schulte) (Master-level course)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü2 (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte): Bachelor Informatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
A touch of data. Designing haptic data physicalisations of personal data (Eva Hornecker, Rosa van Koningsbruggen, Hannes Waldschütz) for Bachelor Medieninformatik, Master CS4DM / HCI, Product Design, MA Media-Architecture.
Mediating Relationships – the Impact of Technologies on our Connections to the World, Other Beings and Our Bodies (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer, Britta Schulte,) for Master HCI.
SS 2022
HCI (Introduction) VL2 + Ü1 (6 ECTS) (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte, Michaela Honauer) Bachelor Informatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English), requirement for some HCI M.Sc. students
Beyond Pink – Gender, Identity & Smartphones (Britta Schulte, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI + CS4DM.
Let's have fun – exploring playfulness in interaction design (Michaela Honauer, Eva Hornecker). for Master HCI, BSc Medieninformatik, Bachelor + Master Product-Design, Master MediaArchitecture).
WS 2021/22
HCI Theory and Research Methods VL2+Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer, Britta Schulte) (Master-level course)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
How to? Prototyping: methods and technologies (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz) for Bachelor Medieninformatik, Master CS4DM / HCI.
Reinventing the smartphone (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte, Michaela Honauer) for Bachelor Medieninformatik, Master CS4DM / HCI.
Data Physicalization of Hidden Data (Seminar, 6 ECTS) taught in English (Eva Hornecker, Rosa van Koningsbruggen, Dr. Ceenu George (Univ. Augsburg), Beat Rossmy and Luke Harrington (both LMU). online seminar co-taught with LMU and Uni Augsburg)
Technik und Gender (Bauhaus-Modul/wissenschaftliches Modul 6 ECTS) (Christin Sirtl, Britta Schulte, Eva Hornecker) (in German)
SS 2021 (another mostly online semester)
Ubiquitous Computing VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte) (Master CS&M, Master HCI)
Robots in the Wild – Interacting with Robots in Public (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte, Philipp Graf) (B.Sc. MI, Master HCI/ CS4DM)
Designing out of the Box (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer) (Master HCI/ CS4DM, Media Architecture, Product Design)
Course: User Centered Design in a Nutshell (Eva Hornecker, Lisa Guth) (1,5 SWS - for new HCI Master students without HCI knowledge - one-time replacement for our bachelor course)
Workshop 3P - Musical Interfaces with PSLab, Python, and Processing (Hannes Waldschütz) (1 SWS)
Winter Semester 2020/21
HCI (Introduction) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte, Michaela Honauer) Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English), requirement for some HCI M.Sc. students
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Lisa Guth): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
Living with Robots – The Future of Autonomous Machines in the Home (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte, Philipp Graf). for Bachelor Medieninformatik, Master CS4DM / HCI.
Data Perspectives. Physical Representations of Everyday Data (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz, Rosa van Koeningsbruggen). for Master HCI, Master Media Architecture, Product-Design (B.A., M.A.),
Summer Semester 2020 (online semester)
Advanced Human-Computer Interaction: HCI Research Methods and Theory VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte, Michaela Honauer)
Technology in the Home (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte, Michaela Honauer). for Master HCI, BSc. Medieninformatik, Master CS4DM.
Winter Semester 2019/20
HCI (Benutzungsoberflächen) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
Cushioning the Technology – Combining technologies and textiles for the smart home (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte). for Master HCI, BSc. Medieninformatik, Master CS4DM, Produkt-Design (B.A., M.A.), Master Media-Architecture.
Tangible Interaction.Exploring the design space of tangible interfaces (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz). for Master HCI, BSc. Medieninformatik, Master CS4DM
Non-Screen Computer Games with Inflatable Tangible Controllers (Eva Hornecker, Kristian Gohlke). for B.Sc. Medieninformatik
Summer Semester 2019
Advanced HCI: Ubiquitous Computing VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz) (Master CS&M, Master HCI)
Cognitive Theories in HCI. (Master HCI/CS4DM) (Eva Hornecker, Dr. Alex Kulik)
Beyond Smart: Tangible, connected home technologies (B.Sc. MI, Master HCI/CS4DM, Master Media-Architecture, Product-Design) (Eva Hornecker, Britta Schulte)
Tangible Data. Designing and Evaluating data physicalization (Master HCI) (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz)
Data matters. Physical data representation through kinetic artifacts. (B.Sc. MI, Master CS4DM, Master Media-Architecture, Product-Design)) (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz)
Winter Semester 2018/19
HCI (Benutzungsoberflächen) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
Extended body/perception. Wearables for real world cyborgs. (Bachelor MI, Produkt Design) (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer, Hannes Waldschütz)
Feeling like Cyborg? - Evaluating and Designing for Extended Perception (Master HCI) (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer, Hannes Waldschütz)
Summer Semester 2018
Advanced Human-Computer Interaction: HCI Research Methods and Theory VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer)
DIY in HCI – Crafting Electronic Textiles (block-course Lab Übung 1.5 SWS, 1 ECTS) (Michaela Honauer): Bachelor MI, Master CSM, Master HCI
we are involved in 3 student research projects this semester
- Qualitative Research in HCI – Qualitative Data Analysis (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer): Master HCI
- Data driven Objects - Physical data representation through kinetic artifacts. (Eva Hornecker, Dipl., BA. Hannes Waldschütz): open for Master HCI, CS4DM/CS&M, B.Sc. Medieninformatik, Media-Architecture, Product-Design
- care-robots (jointly run with Prof. Wolfgang Sattler and Dipl.Des. Timm Burkhardt (Product Design), main audience in Product Design, open for Master HCI and B.Sc. Medieninformatik
Winter Semester 2017/18
HCI (Benutzungsoberflächen) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master and Product Design as 'scientific module' (taught in English)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fischer): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
Kapazitive Interfaces (Bachelor) (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer, Patrick Tobias Fischer)
'Custom Interfaces: Gesture Recognition and Capacitive Sensing', and 'Designing and Evaluating Capacitive Interfaces ' for Master level (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer, Patrick Tobias Fischer)
Museum Installations – Visitor Research and interactive Design. (Eva Hornecker) (for Master CSM, CS4DM, HCI, Media-Architecture)
Summer Semester 2017
Advanced HCI: Ubiquitous Computing VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fischer) (Master CS&M, Master HCI)
Prototyping in HCI - Combining 3D Printing with Wearable-Design (block-course Lab Übung 1.5 SWS, 1 ECTS) (Michaela Honauer, Patrick Tobias Fischer, guest teacher Julia Danckwerth) (for BSc. MI, Master CS&M, HCI)
IoT 'vryThng for Fun, Science and Social Capital (Patrick Tobias Fischer, Eva Hornecker) (BSc. MI, Master CS&M, Master HCI, Master Media Architecture, Product Design)
My Shirt is my Remote Control (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer) (BSc. MI, Master CS&M, Master HCI, Product Design)
Practice Evaluation - Using the Example of Staging Interactive Costumes (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer) (Master HCI, Master CS&M)
Winter Semester 2016/17
HCI (Benutzungsoberflächen) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (taught in English)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fische): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
Mermaids do not exist? Interactive Costumes do!
In cooperation with the Kinder- & Jugendballett in Altenburg we are going to create two interactive costumes for an underwater topic. Next to soft-/hardware development and crafting the costume, the main research focus lies on the power of e-textiles in performance arts. Technologies used include Arduino LilyPad, Processing/Java, Neopixels, conductive/resistive fabrics and threads. The project will be completed by a qualitative user study (attending rehearsals, test sessions with dancers, interviewing staff). The costumes will be used on stage in June 2017.
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> im Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Architectural Sized Interfaces
The aim of this project is the design and implementation of an architectural interface prototype based on sensors from industrial factories and recycled/ repurposed furniture or self-constructed ultra-lightweight and low-cost building structures (popup tents, sails, etc.). Additionally, it should support group interaction and social opportunities for the city scape. To test the interface we will use projection mapping, which has proven able to simulate various media architectural output displays. We plan to setup a lightweight backyard test laboratory in which the interface can be tested on a building façade.
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> im Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Evaluating behaviour and experience around public interfaces
We will review evaluation methods from User Experience Design, Social Sciences, Architecture and Environmental Psychology. The focus lies on methods for evaluating behaviour and experience in public space. Concepts such as Shared encounters, People as Displays and the relation of user, participant and observer will be explored. Furthermore we will actively explore multimodality and spatial concepts. We then will review evaluation approaches from past projects. In a second step, we design our own evaluation method.
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> im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Sommer Semester 2016
Advanced Human-Computer Interaction: HCI Research Methods and Theory VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer)
Blending Art Events and HCI Research (Dr. Patrick Tobias Fischer)

Public Interfaces for Citizen Participation (Die Ermittler - a dialogue on refuge, being strange, and home)
In this project we produced an interactive projection mapping for the Peter Weiss year in 2016. The realization was guided by the renowned pioneer of live public media art Krzysztof Wodiczko. The project was premiered in August 2016 in Weimar during Kunstfest Weimar. The student project collaborates with Anke von der Heide and Timm Burkhardt, and includes students from MediaArchitecture, design and the arts. This project is part of a larger collaboration with the faculty of Arts and Design, Kunstfest Weimar and other partners, in particular local refugees or 'newcomers' to Germany.
> more ...
> im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
> video documentation on vimeo
Interactive Costumes – Exploring Textile Sensors - Bachelor MI (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer)
Interactive Costumes – Selfmade Textile Sensors - Master CS&M + HCI (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer)
Both of these projects explore e-textiles and wearables, investigating how these can be utilized for (inter)active costumes (in the context of performing arts and dance). In interdisciplinary collaboration with students from design we'll develop new costume ideas, build these and evaluate them. We collaborate with a dance class in Altenburg for this two-part project.
Wintersemester 2015/16
HCI (Benutzungsoberflächen) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Julian Fietkau, Patrick Tobias Fischer): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (taught in English)
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fischer, Julian Fietkau): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
GridEye infrared array: Advanced low cost sensors
We will combine the panstamp wireless version of the Arduino with a low resolution thermographic camera for distributed sensing and explore standard gesture recognition methods provided by the GR Toolkit using this sensor. The goal is to create multiple wireless modules which stage user behavior in a public space. For module, interface and interaction design we will collaborate with the project group “Designing content for narrative, embedded devices in public space”.
Designing content for narrative, embedded devices in public space
In this project we explore extensively the narrative potential of low-resolution displays. We will use existing prototypes created by prior project students in order to explore the limitations of those and explore possible content dimensions such as generative content, narratives, and metaphors. To evaluate these, little iterative deployment studies in the city of Weimar will be done. In cooperation with the project “GridEye: Advanced infrared camera low cost sensors “ we will develop a new narrative public device and apply our experiences made with low resolution displays.
Exploring Interaction and Evaluation through Game Design for Master CS&M and HCI
In this project, we will learn about and make use of game design and game evaluation methods while creating and prototyping a game of your own and incorporating innovative ideas for user interaction. The first project half will focus on getting to know the literature and methods in this field, in the final half we will design and develop a game that utilizes novel ways of interaction not explored in gaming yet, and conduct an evaluation.
Summer Semester 2015
Advanced HCI: Ubiquitous Computing VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fischer) (Master CS&M, Master HCI)
HCI Research Methods (S2) Eva Hornecker
Understanding Users and Use Contexts: Qualitative HCI Research Methods for Master CS&M and HCI
In the project, we learned about common HCI research methods, in particular qualitative methods, for understanding users, use contexts, and users’ interactions with technology. The project had three phases, starting with an intense seminar-style reading and discussing of literature. In this phase the project cooperated with the corresponding seminar. The students also utilized some of the methods in small-scale practical exercises. For our user research, the third and main phase, we decided to study the pervasive game INGRESS. The team developed a research design, planned and conducted a qualitative study of player experience, combining participatory observation and interviews, and analyzed the data to identify themes, oriented by the process of thematic analysis. This led to a publication we later published at ACM MUM 2016.
Orchestrating Sensors and Actuators for the Urban Environment
The digital design of public spaces still is a difficult task. In particular when developing novel interaction scenarios, an early and iterative deployment in the field is necessary so system design can take account of the real-world conditions of the public environment.
To enable a faster prototyping of such scenarios, this class will develop a software server platform in Java, which will enable the orchestration of wireless ‘interaction nodes’.
Similar to the ‘internet of things’ paradigm, a wireless network of interaction nodes is to be created, that works reliably in urban environments over a distance of up to 20 meters.
Instrumentation of Public Space for Social Interaction
Die Entwicklung neuartiger Interaktionsszenarien erfordert einen frühzeitigen und iterativen Einsatz im Feld. Besonders unser Forschungsfeld, der Stadtraum, "funktioniert" anders. Bedingungen des öffentlichen Lebens müssen in das Systemdesign mit einfließen.
Um ein schnelleres Prototyping solcher Szenarien zu ermöglichen, entwickelt dieser Kurs ein Set von drahtlosen Modulen, welche es ermöglichen Sensoren und Aktuatoren (eingebettet in Objekte) im Stadtraum frei zu verteilen. Der somit instrumentierte Raum stellt eine Experimentierplattform für verschiedene Anwendungsfälle dar, die besonders auf soziale Interaktionsaspekte fokussieren.
Winter semester 2014/15
HCI (Benutzungsoberflächen) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer): Bachelor Medieninformatik, open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module'
Modellierung von Informationssystemen VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fischer): Bachelor Medieninformatik open for Media Arts/Design Bachelor/Master as 'scientific module' (in German)
Exploring Interactive Theatre
This course explores interactive technologies at theatre stages. We build innovative elements for a theatre stage, based on technologies like e.g. Arduino or Kinect. Practical parts of this project include stage design, props and costume design, depending on the final concept ideas. Interdisciplinary teams develop individual solutions for a play.
Additionally, we collaborate with a local theatre and get into contact with theatre professionals in order to bring our project outcomes live on stage. Then we evaluate how our ideas correlate with the production process from rehearsal to performance and how such innovations can enhance theatre performances.
Summer Semester 2014
Advanced Human-Computer Interaction: HCI Research Methods and Theory VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer)

Interactive Costumes – E-textiles made for the Stage
Theatre is one of the oldest entertainment formats of humankind, and from the beginning costumes have been included elements in theatre performances. Nowadays the evolving potential of e-textiles and wearable computing is a growing topic in HCI and related areas. Computational clothing can already be found in several application fields like health care, the gaming industry, or performance arts. Nevertheless, the amount of projects that make use of interactive costumes at theater stages are still rarely.
In summer term 2014, the HCI group is offering a student project that explores how interactive costumes for the stage could look and function like. The resulting tasks for HCI and its teaching contents are versatile - they range from physical computing over interaction design to performance arts.
Castle Sized Interfaces for Crowds
Facadenmapping hat sich im öffentlichen Raum seit einigen Jahren zu einer populären Medienform entwickelt. Dabei grenzt diese sich zunehmend von Kino und Clubkultur ab und entwickelt ihre eigene Sprache und Syntax. Dieses Jahr erlaubt uns eine Kollaboration mit dem Medienarchitekturstudiengang den Schritt zum interaktiven Facadenmapping zu vollziehen. Die Produktion findet Ihr Highlight in der Premiere in Meiningen am 22. August 2014.
Winter Semester 2013/14
HCI (Interfaces) VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Michaela Honauer)
Modelling of Information Systems VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fischer)
Parasite Interfaces for Public Environments
This student projekt addresses how interfaces need to be specialised for the public urban environment as their habitat. We focus on developing concepts and prototypes for displays working with daylight.
do (not) touch !
Students explore innovative interfaces in this course. They make an elaborated literature & web research on Tangible and Gestural Interaction. The team consisting of media designers as well as media scientists develops a project idea for a specific Tangible and/or Gestural Interface. In addition, a user study will be conceptualized for this interface during the semester.
Summer Semester 2013
Advanced HCI: Ubiquitous Computing VL2 + Ü1 (Eva Hornecker, Patrick Tobias Fischer)
Tangible Interfaces and Interaction S2 (Eva Hornecker)
Das Studentenprojekt "Distributed Kick/Flickable Interfaces for Public Places" ist einer Kollaboration zwischen MediaArchitekten und Medieninformatiker. Ziel des Projektes ist es eine Beschleunigung und Vereinfachung beim Prototypenbau von gemeinnützigen, urbanen Schnittstellen zu ermöglichen. Dabei werden Sensoren und Aktuatoren drahtlos über eine zentrale Software modular orchestriert.