Jun.-Prof. Dr. Florian Echtler
Ahoy Denmark :-)

As of September 1st, 2020, Prof. Echtler will leave Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and join Aalborg University in Denmark as associate professor for computer science.

Our upcoming CHI 2020 paper "Transparency of CHI Research Artifacts" was honoured with a Best Paper Award (top 1%). For further details, see the preprint on OSF: osf.io/3bu6t/
Mobile Media Group at M&C 2019

We visited M&C 2019 in Hamburg to present BinarySwipes, an approach for fast list search on small screens, e.g. smartwatches. Publication is available in the ACM Digital Library.
VIGITIA - Vernetzte Intelligente Gegenstände durch, auf und um interaktive Tische im Alltag
On September 1st, 2019, our new BMBF-funded research project "VIGITIA - Vernetzte Intelligente Gegenstände durch, auf und um interaktive Tische im Alltag" in cooperation with University of Regensburg and Extend3D GmbH, Munich, has officially started! See https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/medien/professuren/medieninformatik/mobile-media/research/vigitia/ for additional details.
Mobile Media Group at EICS 2019

We visited EICS 2019 in Valencia to present our work on two-factor authentication via Bluetooth Low Energy as part of the SecuriCast project. Publication is available in the ACM Digital Library, source code on GitHub.
Decentralized Ubiquitous Computing in Everyday Environments
On January 1st, 2019, our new DFG-funded research project "Decentralized Ubiquitous Computing in Everyday Environments" (DeUCoE) has officially started! See https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/medien/professuren/medieninformatik/mobile-media/research/deucoe/ for additional details.
Mobile Media Group at UIST 2018
Sebastian Stickert and Hagen Hiller went to UIST 2018 in Berlin to present our work on the SurfaceStreams toolkit and on the Companion tabletop roleplaying support tool.
Mobile Media Group at CHI 2018

I'll be going to CHI 2018 in Montréal to present our paper "Open Source, Open Science, and the Replication Crisis in HCI".
PhD Defense of Martin Kaltenbrunner

After wrapping up his PhD thesis during his research stay at the Mobile Media Group in summer, Martin Kaltenbrunner has now successfully defended his thesis with Eva Hornecker and Johannes Schöning (from University of Bremen) as secondary advisors.
Congratulations, Dr. Kaltenbrunner! :-D
Mobile Media Group at ICMI 2017

I've visited ICMI 2017 in Glasgow to present our paper "TouchScope: a hybrid multitouch oscilloscope interface" (see https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3136755.3136765 for details).
Mobile Media Group at MobileHCI 2017

Frederik Schreiber and Erdan Genc presented our paper "ShakeCast: using handshake detection for automated, setup-free exchange of contact data" at MobileHCI 2017 in Vienna (see https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3122131 for details).

Raphael Wimmer from the University of Regensburg will visit our lab on May 17th, and will give a talk on "Affordances of Paper, Public Administration, and Toolkits" (see also bauhausinteraction.org/2017/05/talk-raphael-wimmer-affordances/ ).
Visiting Researcher: Martin Kaltenbrunner

Martin Kaltenbrunner, of TUIO and reacTable fame, will be a visiting researcher at the Mobile Media Group from March to June 2017. He will also use this opportunity to wrap up his PhD thesis, with Florian Echtler and Eva Hornecker as supervisors. We're looking forward to working with Martin!
iENA Bronze Award for CalendarCast

Our pending patent for CalendarCast was presented at the iENA International Research Fair in Nuremberg and received a bronze award.
SUR40 Linux at ACM ISS 2016

My recent paper with Martin Kaltenbrunner, "SUR40 Linux: Reanimating an Obsolete Tangible Interaction Platform" (https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2996778) was presented at ACM ISS 2016 in Niagara Falls.

Tim Weissker and Andreas Berst presented our paper "The Massive Mobile Multiuser Framework:enabling ad-hoc realtime interaction on public displays with mobile devices" (https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2915004) at PerDis 2016 in Oulu.
Mobile Media Group at CHI 2016

Last week at CHI 2016, I've presented my new paper "CalenderCast: Setup-Free, Privacy-Preserving, Localized Sharing of Appointment Data" ( https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2858100 )
We also presented an interactive demo on our Massive Mobile Multiuser Framework, called MMM Ball: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2890232

Our semester project "MoBat: Sound-based Localization of Multiple Mobile Devices on Everyday Surfaces" was presented at ITS2015 as a work-in-progress poster. Congratulations to Adrian Kreskowski, Jakob Wagner and Jannis Bossert!
In addition, we also co-presented the poster on "pART Bench" with the Usability Research Group, and supported the ITS conference through our two student volunteers, Jannis & Jakob. Thanks to everyone involved!

Our paper "Shoe Me the Way: A Shoe-based Tactile Interface for Eyes-Free Urban Navigation" by Max Schirmer, Johannes Hartmann, Sven Bertel and myself will be presented at MobileHCI 2015 in Copenhagen on August 26th.
MMM-Ball at Summaery and Evoke

Our project "MMM Ball" was a big success at Summaery and at Evoke 2015 in Cologne, attracting almost 100 users in total and winning second place in the interactive competition. Congratulations to Tim Weißker, Andreas Berst and Johannes Hartmann!
"Privacy-Aware Location Services" at Cebit 2015

Our project "Privacy-Aware Location Services" will be exhibited at CeBit 2015! We show how a smartphone's location can be determined without relying on any central service (e.g. Google or GPS), thereby protecting the users' privacy. Visit us in hall 9, booth B18!
New appointment for Mobile Media Group
As of October 1st, 2014, Dr. Florian Echtler has been appointed as junior professor for mobile media.