The Collaborative Virtual Reality Neurorobotics Lab

A local user meets a virtual robot and a remote user inside our collaborative Virtual Reality Neurorobotics Lab. Each user perceives a correct stereoscopic view of the virtual environment. In addition, the users are captured by multiple RGBD-sensors and represented as 3D video avatars in real-time using our telepresence system. Consequently, beyond exploring the virtual experiment, users are part of the virtual environment and are thus able to influence the neurorobotics simulation.


We present the collaborative Virtual Reality Neurorobotics Lab, which allows multiple collocated and remote users to experience, discuss and participate in neurorobotic experiments in immersive virtual reality. We describe the coupling of the Neurorobotics Platform of the Human Brain Project with our collaborative virtual reality and 3D telepresence infrastructure and highlight future opportunities arising from our work for research on direct human interaction with simulated robots and brains.

This project/research has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2).


Matthes, C., Weissker, T., Angelidis, E., Kulik, A., Beck, S., Kunert, A., Frolov, A., Weber, S., Kreskowski, A., Froehlich, B.
The Collaborative Virtual Reality Neurorobotics Lab
In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pp. 1671-1674. IEEE, 2019.
[IEEE][preprint] [video]