Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich
Patrick Riehmann
Henning Gründl
15 Credits (Medieninformatik (M.Sc.), PV29)
15 Credits (Computer Science and Media (M.Sc.), PV 11)
Im Rahmen des Projekts werden Visualisierungstechniken und Interfaces für die Analyse Text-basierter Daten auf einem großen, hoch aufgelösten Multitouch-Display entwickelt.
The focus of this project is the design and development of interfaces and visualization metaphors for the collaborative analysis of textual data on a large, high-resolution display with multi-touch input. During the summer semester, such a display (resolution: 7680x4320 pixels, size: 4m x 2.3m) will become available at the Digital Bauhaus Lab.
During the first stage of the project we will analyse and categorize recent approaches for visualizing textual data ( In a second stage, we will develop and implement scalable visualization and interaction techniques for a text reuse analysis of the entire Wikipedia article collection. The big data set consists of a similarity matrix of 4 million Wikipedia articles compared against each other.
Lectures in computer graphics, visualization and web search and information retrieval are an ideal prerequisite for the project.
aktive Mitarbeit im Projekt, 2-3 Vorträge, Abschlusspräsentation
active participation in the project, two to three intermediate presentations, presentation of final project results
Richtet sich an:
B.Sc. Medieninformatik, M.Sc. Medieninformatik / Computer Science and Media, M.Sc. HCI