Previous Semesters

Previous Semesters

WS 2023/24

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project: A Nutrition Label for Social Media Feeds
  • Project: AI-Assisted Argumentative Writing
  • Project: Infobot: Let's Talk to the Lecture Slides

SS 2023

  • Course: Web Technology (foundations)
  • Course: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Project: Multimodal Sequence Representations for Feed Data
  • Project: Content Warning Detection
  • Project: Fifty shades of ChatGPT
  • Project: Mining Arguments from Podcasts

WS 2022/23

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project: Automatic Image Captioning
  • Project: Hidden Knowledge of Stammbücher
  • Project: So Tell Me Why - Investigating Personalized Argument Search
  • Project: Rating the Quality of Comparative Review Websites
  • Project: Text2Graph - Extracting Knowledge Graph Relations from Short Texts

SS 2022

  • Course: Web Technology (foundations)
  • Course: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Seminar: Big Data and Language Technologies
  • Project: Affiliate Spam Detection
  • Project: Adventures into the Digital Humanities
  • Project: Identifying triggering content
  • Project: In Dialog with the Virtual Museum 2

WS 2021/22

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project: Bringing Structure to Social Media Discussions
  • Project: Extraction of main content and metadata from web crawls
  • Project: In Dialog with the Virtual Museum
  • Project: Watch Language Models _____ Low-context Word Prediction Tests

SS 2021

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Project: Large-Scale Concept Mining in Scientific Publications
  • Project: What's that about? Knowledge and Argument Graphs in Voice Search
  • Project: Web Almanac revisited
  • Project: Understanding Social Investing Hype

WS 2020/21

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project: Academic Self-presentation on the Web
  • Project: Conversational Argument Search 2
  • Project: Detecting Ideologies on Online Forums
  • Project: Identifying Effective Deliberative Strategies in Wikipedia Discussion

SS 2020

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Project: Bias Assessment in Text Corpora
  • Project: Conversational Argument Search
  • Project: Explorative Analysis Text (Re-)Writing Processes
  • Project: Processing the *winkyface* in Online Communication

WS 2019/20

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project Group "Neural Word Embeddings with pyTorch"
  • Project Group "Modelling verbal aggression in social discourse"
  • Project Group "Arguments from Email Data"
  • Project Group "Augmented Writing Assistant (Phase 2)"

SS 2019

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Seminar "Big Data Architectures for Machine Learning and Data Mining"
  • Project Group "Augmented Writing Platform for Blog Posts"
  • Project Group "Conversational News"
  • Project Group "Linguistic Geolocalization"
  • Project Group "Visit the Dome!"

WS 2018/19

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project Group "Argument Search Engine - Arguments up to the Minute"
  • Project Group "Argument Search Engine - Voice-based Argument Search"
  • Project Group "Evaluation of Machine-Generated Text"
  • Project Group "Monitoring the World through Social Media"
  • Project Group "Violence in Narrative Discourse"

SS 2018

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Seminar "Big Data Architectures for Machine Learning and Data Mining"
  • Project Group "Argument Search Engine - Argument Ranking and Summarization"
  • Project Group "Building a Stance Graph for Argument Search"
  • Project Group "Information Nutrition Label for Web Pages"
  • Project Group "Large-scale Web Archiving and Analysis "

WS 2017/18

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Seminar "Computational Argumentation"
  • Project Group "Argument Simplification"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "Interactive Argument Search"
  • Project Group "Learning to Detect Clickbait"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "Natural Sequence Models for Semantic Text Alignment"

SS 2017

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Seminar "Big Data Architectures for Machine Learning and Data Mining"
  • Project Group "Learning Similarity-Preserving Hash Functions with Neural Networks"
  • Project Group "Search by Voice"
  • Project Group "Social Media under Pressure!!! Fake News and Clickbait"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "The Argument Search Engine"

WS 2016/17

  • Course in Databases
  • Project Group "Clickbait"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "GPU-based Text Analytics"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "Simulated Web Search"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "This is offensive language!! Stop attacking me :-("

SS 2016

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Seminar "Big Data Architectures for Machine Learning and Data Mining"
  • Project Group "Automatic Detection of Evidence in Natural Language Text"
  • Project Group "Cross-Reading News"
  • (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "Search TREC - The Next Generation"
  • (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "Simulated Web Search

WS 2015/16

SS 2015

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Seminar "Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing"
  • Project Group "Know your Library"
  • Project Group "Linking Discussions"
  • Project Group "This is offensive language!! Stop attacking me :-("
  • Project Group "Webcommander - Commands as a Webservice"
  • Project Group "Wikilytics - Wikipedia Analytics"
  • Project Group "Computational Ethics on Web Data"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "Total Recall"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)

WS 2014/15

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Search Algorithms
  • Seminar "Big Data Processing Architectures"
  • Project Group "Morning Morality on the Web"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)
  • Project Group "Focused Search of Texts in the Web"
  • Project Group "The Super Document"
  • Project Group "Modeling Information Extraction Problems using Argumentation Theory"

SS 2014

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Seminar "Big Data: The Technology behind NoSQL Databases"
  • Project Group "Big Data and Cryptography"
    (in cooperation with the Media Security Group)
  • Project Group "Topic Models for Literature Reviews"
  • Project Group "Morning Morality on the Web"
    (in cooperation with the Big Data Analytics Group)

WS 2013/14

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project Group "Analyzing Long Web Search Queries"
  • Project Group "Big Data and Cryptography"
    (in cooperation with the Media Security Group)
  • Project Group "Bazon Brock: Visualizing a Thinker's Life"
    (in cooperation with the Virtual Reality Systems Group)

SS 2013

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "Task Based Information Retrieval"
  • Project Group "Online Competitions with TIRA"
  • Project Group "Safe Logins for the Web"
    (in cooperation with the Media Security Group)
  • Seminar "Big Data: The Hadoop Ecosystem"

WS 2012/13

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Project Group "Web Authenticator"
    (in cooperation with the Media Security Group)
  • Project Group "Plagiarism Visualization"
    (in cooperation with the Virtual Reality Systems Group)
  • Project Group "Online Competitions with TIRA"
  • Project Group "ChatNoir Reloaded"

SS 2012

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "The Road to TREC: A Competition on Web Search"
  • Project Group "Mining and Storing BIG Data"
  • Project Group "News Clustering with User Feedback"
  • Project Group "Plagiarism Visualization"
    (in cooperation with the Virtual Reality Systems Group)
  • Seminar "Recent Trends in Web Technology"

WS 2011/12

  • Course in Databases
  • Project Group "Information Exploration: Master the Disaster"
  • Project Group "ChatNoir Web Search"
  • Project Group "Visualisierung von Plagiaten"
    (in cooperation with the Virtual Reality Systems Group)

SS 2011

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "Information Extraction: Crowd-based Product Comparison"
  • Seminar "Advanced Topics in IR"

WS 2010/11

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Web-Technology (advanced)
  • Project Group "Collaborative Filtering"
  • Project Group "Do it Yourself Web Search Engine"

SS 2010

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "Live Retrieval on Twitter"
  • Project Group "Query Formulation"
  • Seminar "Advanced Topics in IR"

WS 2009/10

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Web-Technology (advanced)
  • Project Group "Large-Scale Machine Learning"
  • Project Group "Informationsqualität in Wikipedia"
  • Project Group "Picapica"

SS 2009

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "Robustheit von Suchrankings"
  • Project Group "Netspeak - der Schreibassistent"
  • Project Group "Information Retrieval im Browser"
  • Project Group "Picapica"
  • Project Group "Visual Data Mining 2"
    (in cooperation with the Virtual Reality Systems Group)
  • Seminar "Novelty Detection"

WS 2008/09

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Web-Technology (advanced)
  • Project Group "Visual Data Mining"
    (in cooperation with the Virtual Reality Systems Group)
  • Project Group "Algorithmen zur Topic-Identifikation"
  • Project Group "Wellenbrecher für die Flut von Kommentaren im Web"
  • Project Group "Edit War Detection"

SS 2008

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "Algorithmen zur Erkennung von Missbrauch sozialer Software"
  • Project Group "Algorithmen zur Informationsextraktion"
  • Project Group "Entwurf und Implementierung einer vertikalen Suchmaschine"

WS 2007/08

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Web-Technology (advanced)
  • Project Group "IR-Framework + Middleware in Eclipse"
  • Project Group "Genre-basierte Web-Suche"
  • Project Group "Source Code Plagiaterkennung"

SS 2007

  • Course in Web-Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "Plagiarism Analysis IV"
  • Project Group "Spock-Challenge"
  • Project Group "Document formats and document models"
  • Seminar "Web-Technology (advanced)"

WS 2006/07

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Web Technology (advanced)
  • Project Group "Wikipedia in the Pocket"
  • Project Group "Plagiarism Analysis III"
  • Project Group "Applied Web Technology"

SS 2006

  • Course in Web-Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "Market Forecast Summarization"
  • Project Group "NetSpeak"

WS 2005/06

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Web Technology (advanced)
  • Project Group "IR Framework (TIRA) II"
  • Project Group "Plagiarism Analysis II"
  • Project Group "BAT - Blind Accessibility Tool"

SS 2005

  • Course in Web Technology (foundations)
  • Project Group "IR Framework (TIRA)"
  • Project Group "Plagiarism Analysis I"

WS 2004/05

  • Course in Databases
  • Course in Introduction to Knowledge Processing
  • Seminar "Information Retrieval"

Paderborn University

Knowledge-Based Systems Group

SS 2004

  • Course in Modeling and SWT of Knowledge-Intensive Tasks

WS 2003/04

  • Course in Logic and Rule Processing
  • Course in Theory of Search

SS 2003

  • Course in Modeling and SWT of Knowledge-Intensive Tasks

WS 2002/03

  • Course in Logic and Rule Processing
  • Course in Theory of Search

SS 2002

  • Course in Algorithms for Information Retrieval
  • Project Group "Intelligent Search in the World Wide Web" (continuation)

WS 2001/02

  • Course in Theory of Search
  • Course in Information Retrieval and Web-based IS
  • Project Group "Intelligent Search in the World Wide Web"

WS 2000/01

  • Course in Constraint Processing

SS 2000

  • Course in Configuration and Diagnosis

WS 1998/99

  • Course in Knowledge-Based Systems

WS 1997/98 - SS 1998

  • Course in Efficient Symbol Processing
  • Project Group "Case-Based Reasoning (CBR)"

WS 1995/96 - SS 1996

  • Course in SWT with LISP
  • Project Group "Artifical Neural Networks"

WS 1994/95 - SS 1995

  • Course in SWT with LISP
  • Project Group "Fuzzy Systems for Diagnosis and Synthesis Knowledge"

WS 1993/94 - SS 1994

  • Course in Nexpert Object, KEE, and Object-oriented Programming
  • Project Group "A Converter for OO-Data Bases and Frame Systems"

WS 1992/93 - SS 1993

  • Course in LISP, KEE, and Object-oriented Programming
  • Project Group "Knowledge-Based Optical Character Recognition"