
Teaching Objectives

The primary aim of our teaching is to introduce and enhance theoretical and conceptual frameworks as well as to discuss state-of-the-art literature, tools, and methods in Innovation and Media Management, which inter-disciplinarily combine various theories and practical issues related to business, management, and economics (e.g., consumer/user behavior, entrepreneurship, management information systems, service management, sport management, and strategic management) as well as other disciplines with relevance for media such as communication science, cultural studies, media studies, information systems, or social sciences. The focus of our media management teaching is on general business administration, strategic management, and primarily innovation-related issues.

Course Topics

Our portfolio includes courses such as Business Models, Digital Innovation, and Sustainability Management in the Media and Technology Industries; Entertainment Science; Digital Media Innovation and Strategies; Diffusion of Innovations and Media-Specific Adoption; Innovation Culture and Strategic Management Objectives; Investment and Financing of Media Companies; Media Business Models, Management Theories, and Strategies; Media Enterprises and Technologies; Media Innovation Management; Media Usage & Technology Acceptance; and Research and Publications.

In our colloquia, seminars, and lectures we define and continuously refer to learning objectives. Regarding the digital innovation and transformation, relevant questions for media enterprises, company decision-makers, customers, and the society are theoretically grounded and conceptualized, research methods are applied for data collection and analysis, and appropriate theoretical and managerial implications are derived. We apply a target-group specific active and interactive teaching style. We hold our courses in English or German.

In addition to the theoretical grounding of relevant issues and the discussion of high-impact journal publications, the research orientation of our teaching also includes the consideration of our own (on-going) research studies in different fields (see Research). Further, established and innovative methods are discussed. Together with our students, we also conduct empirical studies, present and discuss research results, and derive scientific, managerial, and political implications. In one of our current projects, we investigate the innovation culture and strategic management objectives of a German print and online news media publishing house. Bachelor, master, and doctoral students shall be attracted for academic careers and research positions in the industry.

Practice Orientation

Practice Orientation

Following practice orientation, relevant questions currently faced by enterprises operating in different media industries are incorporated (in the past we collaborated, for instance, with DuMont, Olympia-Verlag, ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Sky, Spiegel, and ZDF), necessary management tools (e.g., structuring strategic management objectives) and communication skills (e.g., social media content) are educated, as well as new management trends and business cases are studied. Field trips to enterprises and research institutes provide the students with practical experiences and opportunities to get in contact with company decision-makers. The involvement of practitioners in colloquia, seminars, and lectures, as well as collaborations in projects with industry partners contribute to strengthening relationships and exchanges of knowledge with business, economy, and society to mutual benefit. Students become qualified for current and future digital and media business positions by learning innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills.

Target Audience

Target Audience

Our courses are directed to media management students, media culture students (media studies and media economics), and all other students with an interest in media management, especially from an innovation perspective. We welcome students of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt, and the other Thuringian universities. Based on our teaching portfolio, we contribute the required modules and courses on media management and economics to the existing study programs.

For further information on courses and events of the Faculty of Media please go to.



Overview Current Courses

SuSe 2024

WiSe 2023/24

Pflichtmodul "Weiterführende Grundlagen des Medienmanagement" (Master)

Studienmodul Innovationsmanagement und Medien (Master)

Studienmodul "Medienökonomie 3" (Bachelor)

Masterkolloquium Innovationsmanagement und Medien

Bachelorkolloquium Innovationsmanagement und Medien

SuSe 2023

WiSe 2022/23

Study Module Discourses and Practices in Media Management

Study Module Media Management